6-Figure Prophetic Marketing Strategy for Violent Possession of the Entrepreneurial Promise (Prophetic Word)

My people have begun to eat from the produce of the land. My people have understood that their manna is drying up. They have understood that I am calling them to use their gifts and skills in the coaching industry, but they have yet to understand the principle of “violent possession.”

The “kingdom of heaven suffers violence,” figuratively speaking, in that people were so thronging to hear the gospel that they resembled an army trying to besiege a city. And the “violent take it by force”; the people entering the kingdom were not violent literally, but their eagerness to see the coming of the Messiah was so overwhelming that it was as if they were attacking a city and beating down the doors to enter."


There is a hunger that may people must have in order to possess the promise of 6, 7, and 8-figure entrepreneurship in the coaching industry and beyond. It cannot be a passive receiving. Yes, I make promises but there must be a violent possession of the promises released by Heaven. In the former season, I required my entrepreneurs to “be quiet” concerning the visions and dreams I had given them (See Prophetic Word: “Be Quiet”). In this season, my children must “shout” in order to see the abundant overflow destined for them in the Promised Land (Joshua 6:20 ESV).

So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city.

Joshua 6:20 ESV

My children have received the prophetic word concerning their entrepreneurial promise (the trumpets symbolize the prophetic word), but they are not opening their mouths concerning what I have given them.

Violent possession in entrepreneurship requires an aggressive marketing strategy. I am calling my children to use YouTube to be their primary source of elevation. I am sending my entrepreneurs in the coaching industry a team so they may have consistent social media presences on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and through Google Search they shall be known for the innovative strategies I have given to them.

Covenant Consulting teaches My Children, innovative, Spirit-led Marketing Strategy that no man, no wordly coach can teach. You teach them how to convert by the Spirit. Remember, beloved, that business is spiritual. Business is relational. My Children must learn to trust me with their marketing. They must learn to shout but they must learn to shout in faith on the foundation of the prophetic word (the trumpet sound).

As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout,

Remember that shouting is only possible when the people hear the prophetic sound of the trumpet (i.e. the prophetic word). For many coaches, their businesses aren’t working or growing because they are shouting (i.e. marketing their program (in response to their flesh, rather than by My Spirit. This is what’s causing them anger and frustration.

The reality is that many Christian entrepreneurs in the coaching industry and beyond are building for me but they are not building with me. My Children must learn the spirituality of business for:

You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

Deuteronomy 8:18 ESV

There is a power, an ability that I give to My Children to acquire wealth. Many of my entrepreneurs who claim my name, are not walking in my power, despite claiming My Name because their businesses, simply, do not align with the vision of Heaven. The businesses I am releasing in this hour must reflect the wisdom, mandate, and entrepreneurial innovation of Heaven (not their own mind). Many have been building out of vain imaginations, and they are striving. There are even some with 6 and 7-figure businesses, using my name, that I find no glory in. I am disappointed and I am grieved by this reality. Pray that I turn the hearts of the hardened back to Me. I want revival and reformation in business, particularly in the coaching industry. I am angry, I am disappointed, but my anger is only for a moment (Psalm 30:5 ESV). I am calling My Children, in My Mercy and My Grace, to repentance.

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV

Covenant Consulting exists for the birthing of a new breed of entrepreneurs who are led by My Spirit, dead to themselves and made alive to Christ: it is the birthing of the prophetic entrepreneur (See Prophetic Word: It’s TIme to Shift from Christian to Prophetic Entrepreneurship). Covenant Consulting also exists for the entrepreneurs who have fallen from the purity of the gospel who I desire to restore back to a fresh intimacy with Me. I am sending the entrepreneurs that long to place Me at the center of their business again.

After graduating from Covenant Consulting programs, students will build businesses to 6-figures within 1 year. They will build at accelerated rates because they have the right spiritual foundation. Covenant Consulting teaches how to build the spiritual foundation of the business that is quintessential for sustainable success and preparation for the next seasons in the earth.

If you would like to learn Prophetic Marketing for Entrepreneurial Innovation for your business, apply to become a student of Covenant Consulting’s business school for Marketplace Apostles and Prophets. Send us an email at contact@covenantconsulting.us.

If you would like to learn Spirit-Led, 6-Figure Marketing for the Coaching Industry, consider applying to The Clarity Blueprint for Pioneering Black Female Prophetic Voices Called to Nations: Clarify the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministry and 6-Figure Life Coaching Business that Aligns with Your Prophetic Calling and Confidently Build with Holy Spirit’s Direction Every Step of the Way, Leveraging Social Media for Global Kingdom Impact and Generational Wealth Building.

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Lessons Learned from Shifting into the Apostolic Office


Receive the Overflow (Prophetic Word)