You Belong to Me (Prophetic Word)

A letter from the Father to the hungry ones who have been wrestling with the call. This is a personal prophetic word the Lord gave to me that I believe will resonate with many.

Dear Beloved,

Let me explain to you that which has been happening to you…

You’re hungry.

You are hungry for a move of God in your region, in your family, in your future. You are hungry for more of me.

The hungry get fed. I always lead to hungry in how to be satisfied. Every time I deliver you or heal you, you always desire to serve me with more of your life. You have never desired to draw nearer simply because you felt “worthy” or you “deserved it”, for you my presence has always been about healing and destiny.

I deliver you that you might be a deliverer. I heal that you might be my vessel of healing in the earth.

Your “issue” is not your lack of desire but rather the limiting mindsets and immature teaching that you have been exposed to over the years. No fault to the teachers you have sat under in your childhood, but the intimacy that you are called to with me, even at such a young age, is more than what many even in their senior years have had the privilege of experiencing. It is not a point of comparison or pride, it is simply the mandate and calling upon your life. For as you know, in your lifetime you are reaping the sowing of generations before you. There is a fullness to a 4-generations back, generational promise that is coming in your lifetime.

You have a breakthrough voice— a voice of breakthrough and deliverance.

There will come a time when I release you into this ministry but now is not the time. Now is the time to rest. Now is the time to be hidden, for me to enjoy you and you to enjoy me, without the competing demands of ministry.

Let me explain to you what you have been experiencing over the last 3 years.

You received a revelation concerning your calling. I invited you on a journey with me to prepare for that calling. You have been in preparation. Remember my first words to you back in 2018? Preparation. Service. Obscurity. Oh, beloved these were the words that marked those early revival fasts in Senegal, Africa.

What happened, my beloved?

Did you forget?

Let me explain to you what happened in the last year.

I revealed to you more of your calling and it scared you. It scared you because I opened you up to new dimensions of who you are and you were confronted with a choice.

Will I choose what the world has told me I am or will I follow who God is saying I am?

This is the choice that you have been wrestling with for over a year. It’s time to stop fighting.

You don’t belong to a denomination, you belong to the body of Christ.

You don’t belong to an institution, you belong to my purposes.

You don’t belong to the opinions of man, you belong to the voice of God.

You don’t belong to the spirit of anxiety, you belong to the Holy Spirit.

You don’t belong to this world, you belong to Heaven.

You don’t belong to Satan, you belong to Christ.

Over the last year, you have been wrestling with your belonging. Not your identity, but your belonging.

You have been afraid.

As a prophetic pioneer called to build a ministry and business online that has never before been seen, you have been afraid. You have felt alone. You have felt as if you don’t belong because you feel like you haven’t yet “found your people”. But as you continue to remain faithful to me, to my voice, and building this ministry (more accurately, as I build this ministry), the people will come. You are called to be a sent one in this sphere of prophetic entrepreneurship to empower and train a generation of prophetic entrepreneurs.

Will you be willing to wait 5, and even 10 years to see the fulfilment of this promise? Will you be faithful to the work that I demand of you in every season even if it seems as if you are sowing more than your reaping? For you must remember my beloved, no sowing happens in vain. there will always be a harvest.

I am not a microwave.

What if you’re calling is to sow and serve for the next 10 years. What if the first true reaping you see doesn’t come until the year of 2030?

Will you still sow?

I am raising your standards for your devotion life.

Your spirit is now at a place for being out of alignment with me for more than a couple hours grieves your spirit so intensely that you can’t help but stop everything you are doing to get back into alignment.

This is where you are now. Over the past couple of years, you have radically grown in your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. This is why you are quicker to forgive, quicker to fast and pray, quicker to love, and lay down your own desires. This is good!

Remember, when I rebuke you it is only evidence of your sonship. When I correct you, it is only evidence of your sonship. This is the will of God, your sanctification.

Rest, beloved.

Let us process emotionally that which I am calling you into. Let us process together who you are and where I am taking you. Prophetic words and destinies are not intended to produce within you anxiety but excitement for the advancement of the Kingdom. When you are anxious, it is because you desire control.

Release control. Surrender all into my hands. Be blessed, my beloved, be blessed.


The Prerequisite to Obedience: Surrender


My Identity is Not in My Spiritual Gifts