Unapologetic Nicole

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It’s Time to Shift: From Christian to Prophetic Entrepreneurship (Prophetic Word)

The Transition from Christian to Prophetic Entrepreneurship

You are a soldier in my Kingdom army, entrepreneur of God. In the marketplace, you are my light in the darkness. You are my hope to the lost and hurting. You are my prophetic voice to those who do not know me. You have been called by me to be a prophetic entrepreneur. This is a high and Holy calling. It is not for everyone, but it is for you. I have hand-picked you and prepared you for this time. The transition from Christian to prophetic entrepreneurship will not be easy, but it will be worth it. I am asking you to step out in faith and trust me. I will never leave you or forsake you. I am with you always, even unto the end of the age. So go forth, my soldier, and do business my way! Be blessed as you bless others. You are the pioneer in your industry, not a follower. I desire to download fresh revelation concerning who you are in Me and who you are in My Kingdom. I desire to reveal why I have designed you the way I have.

While you have felt that the entrepreneurial promise has stagnated, I come to remind you that entrepreneurship is not a curse. Entrepreneurship is a gift and a blessing— not just for you but for those I have called you to serve. This is what I am downloading, revealing, and unfolding in the third quarter. I am shifting the paradigm of what it looks like to do business my way in the earth. You are my prophetic voice in the marketplace; therefore you cannot do business as usual. I am asking you to trust me and to be obedient to what I am asking you to do. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

I am calling you beloved not simply to Christian entrepreneurship or Kingdom entrepreneurship but to prophetic entrepreneurship. I want to train you to be led and guided by the Holy Spirit in your business so that you would be equipped to discern what is and isn’t from me.

I know that you desire to cleanse yourself from the past season. You did not understand your prophetic assignment, so you got hurt in the process. You thought you were pursuing a good idea; you didn’t realize you were pursuing a mandate from Heaven that I designed. Because you were wounded in battle, I am still cleansing you from the former season of entrepreneurship. 

The pain you experienced caused you to harden your heart. A hardened heart is a prideful heart. If you do not humble yourself, you will miss it due to the pride of the past season. I do not want you to be afraid of where I am taking you. If your heart is hardened, fear will inevitably ordain your steps. Allow me to soften your heart so that I might bring you into a greater realm of authority to build. 

In this hour, I am looking for open hands and open ears, and open hearts. I am looking for those that are ready not to hold against me for what was, but with child-like faith, step into the new.

It didn’t work then, but I declare and decree over you, my daughter, and my son, it shall work this time. It shall work now, for I am equipping you with the relational wealth that shall bring forth the outpouring of wisdom you need.

I am granting to you the safe place to transition: to heal from what was to walk into what is. I do not judge or condemn you for changing, pivoting, and evolving into a new thing. I am granting to you the community to transition safely. I am granting to you the safe space to cleanse so that you can build, for you cannot build until you wash your hands from the dirt of the former season. This is Holy Ground.

My daughter, my son: are you willing to invest the time, energy, and finances necessary into what I’ve placed inside of you? To build will cost you everything. It will require your whole life. This is the call of prophetic entrepreneurship: that you would lay it all down to see the fulfillment of My Promise, that you would even lay down “good” and “profitable” things for the God-appointed purposeful assignment to see the expansion of My Kingdom for such a time as this. 

Even though it was I that give you the vision, you were not being led by the Holy Spirit. In the past, you did not see it, but you were being led by a religious spirit of fear and control. This is what was hindering the financial breakthrough in the spirit I have for you in business. I am delivering you from the oppressive way of what was. I am delivering you from the religiosity and the fear. As I heal you, I am bringing you into a new dimension of faith. In prophetic entrepreneurship, building a business led by My Spirit, you shall master the art of receiving. You shall “be” and not “do” as I pour into you. I am bringing you to a place of provision, in wisdom, in strategy, in kindness, in grace. I am bringing you to a place of financial provision that you have yet to know. Financial freedom is yours in Jesus’ name.

It is time for me to teach you prophetic entrepreneurship and how to be led by My Holy Spirit in every aspect of your business. Where you have asked me for resources, so I am granting you resources. I am granting you resources in wisdom. I am granting you relational wisdom. I am connecting you to the right people who will pour into you what you need in this season. For my Kingdom is one of impartation. I am sending you to those that I have prepared to give you what you need. For it is me working through my children; it is the family of God; it is the network of the Kingdom. Are you ready to be plugged into your family? Are you ready to know the beauty I have designed for you in the relational wealth I have prepared for you?

Begin to see how I elevate your network and your thinking, for they are one and the same. Remember, beloved, iron sharpens iron. Those who you sit with are those who you think with. I am granting you the right conversation partners that shall lead to your relational abundance and, by extension, the spiritual wisdom necessary to build your business. Get ready, for it is coming. You have prayed for breakthrough. I declare it is coming.

I am opening the floodgates. I am opening the doors. I am opening the doors. The King of glory is coming! And He is coming with your family. He is coming with provision. He is coming with all that you need. For in Him lies all provision. In Him lies all hope. In Him, lies all prosperity. Are you ready to say yes and open up your heart and hands to the new thing and way of being?

No longer will you fight alone. No longer will you strive alone, constantly fighting a battle in your own mind, trying to wage war in your own strength. You were never designed to build without the impartation, without the anointing.

I gave you a vision, but I had yet to anoint you as king. Now you are getting ready to receive the anointing to fulfill the assignment. It is the impartation of the prophetic you need to walk into all I have for you. Prepare to think in new paradigms and new dimensions. Prepare to receive an entirely new landscape and framework for being. Prepare for the shift. 

There is no shame in asking for help. There is no shame in the bended knee. There is no shame. For every king must bow before their priest to be anointed to walk into the greater level of anointing. Bow before the King! Bow before your priest! There is honor in your bow. There is honor in your kneel. There is honor in your wait. There is honor in your patience. The patience that shall bring forth the fruit of a lifetime. Abide! My daughter, my son, I declare and decree that you are my abiding entrepreneur. My abiding ones are pioneering ones. They are the ones that see decades ahead and begin building with a Joseph anointing for what is to come. Listen clearly, it shall start small, but at the appointed time, you shall be released. The destiny awaits an appointed time, for the destiny is a vision waiting for the time of its manifestation. You cannot rush my process, but you can master abiding. Learn to align with me so that you won’t miss the times and seasons. Like the sons of Issachar, you shall discern the times and seasons of your business. I will tell you what is coming; you shall not miss a beat. Before you see the trends in the natural, I shall reveal them in the Spirit, for you are a trendsetter.

I declare and decree that there is room for you in the industry. I know there is room for you because I created you to pioneer and pave a trail of abundance for a generation. You are thinking too small; your circle of experience is too limited to what you know. You have trusted your Instagram feed more than my presence to lead you into My Promised Land.

Beloved, do you not perceive it?

The promised land is promised. It is not earned or fought for. It is land, I have promised. Therefore it shall be given to you, for I do not ever go against My Word. Take your time. Take your time to build with me. Take your time as I cleanse you. Let us not rush what I have for you, but rather let us move at the pace I have for you.

Do not let comparison lead you to the barren land of compromise. As you focus on me and me alone, there is a fresh flow of creativity and provision coming to you. Allow me to make your name great in My Timing as I see fit. Let me sit in the driver’s seat once again. This is a daily decision. Each season with me is going to demand a deeper level of courage and surrender. Walking with me, entrepreneur of God, is not easy, but it is the way to eternal life.

Did you know I desire streams of living water to flow through your business?

Prophetic Entrepreneurship is about tapping into the stream, the flow that I have ordained. It is about being led by My Spirit, daily. It is about learning to prophetically declare what I am saying over your business. It is about taking the time to position yourself and those you lead under an open heaven.

Cease striving and know that I am God! (Psalm 46:10)

I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalm 46:10)

The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge! (Psalm 46:7)

He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire (Psalm 46:9).

Once my children learn to tap into that stream, entrepreneurship becomes easy, not because the work is easy but because they live Psalm 23 as the foundation of their business. When you are a sheep, you have no intellectual capacity to worry; you trust your Shepherd. This is the “ease” I am bringing you into. Getting to this place of “ease” and “flow” is not easy, but it is your inheritance.

It is your inheritance to walk calmly along the streams of living water I have for you. It is your inheritance to lead and not follow. It is your inheritance to walk in newness of life, for you have been made alive in Me. You are a prophetic entrepreneur because I have called you. You are a prophetic entrepreneur because I have anointed you. And if I have called you and anointed you, then who can stop what I have started in and through you? No one!

So rise up prophetic entrepreneur!

Rise up and take your place in the marketplace!

Rise up and be all that I have called you to be!

Rise up and let your light so shine that men may see your good works and glorify your Father (Matthew 5:16).

Come and drink from the fount once again!

Come drink from the well that never runs dry!

Let me revive your hope for the promise once again.

Entrepreneurship is not a curse; it’s a blessing— sometimes in disguise. Keep pressing. Keep plowing. Keep tilling the ground for your labor is not in vain. Fruit shall come forth! Your perseverance in the Lord shall be rewarded without a shadow of a doubt. 

People following the norms, culture, and trends around you will look at you as if you are bizarre, but My Spirit simply leads you. The Spirit leads you. You are a Romans 8 Entrepreneur, for you know that to be led by the Spirit in your business is life and peace.

Life and peace are your inheritance in entrepreneurship. Allow me to favor you.

Remember my words, I am your marketing strategy, bringing people to you. Does this mean that it is not important to create sound systems? On the contrary, no! This simply means that as you are faithful to build at the pace I ordain, I will provide. I will meet you. Remember, this is not your business; it is mine. Everything I do, I succeed at. Therefore your business is successful even before your first launch or your first client. I am your success story. Your obedience determines your fruit and your longevity in your industry.

It comes down to simply this:

Trust me. Trust me with your whole life. Trust me with your business.

I am worthy of your trust.

Will you allow me to outpour the structure, the strategy, the pace, the design, and the innovation? This is the era of prophetic business strategy. I am done with cookie-cutter models that bring more glory to business coaches than My Presence. This is why I am raising up prophetic entrepreneurs: I am a jealous God! I want all of the glory, honor, and power!

In this season, those who are coming into 6 and 7-figure businesses sustainably are those who are led by My Spirit. I am cutting away the wheat from the chaff. You will see many great names fall and many obscure ones arise.

You will see this shift over the next 5-10 years. You will choose which trend you will find yourself in this hour: the decline or the rise, according to the decisions you make today.

I am bringing forth judgment to the American Church. Remember, judgment is not condemnation but a call to repentance. This predominantly extends to American business for my children, this generation, has perverted their apostolic anointing, manipulating it for wealth, houses, and cars instead of the expansion of My Kingdom. They have taken the wealth and creativity I have gifted them and buried their talent in the world rather than sowing them into the Kingdom (Matthew 25:14-30 ESV). 

Do you think I will not judge this?

I am a jealous God. Judgment is coming to the house of God first. Judgment is coming to My “Christian” and “Kingdom” entrepreneurs who have made faith a profitable trend rather than a fearful, reverent title that carries great weight both in the spirit and in the natural.

What has the American church given to the poor? What have my business owners and entrepreneurs given to my evangelists?

There has been so little sacrifice to those I have given so much.

Oh, how my heart grieves. Oh, how my heart grieves for the nation I have raised. They sin, and sin, and sin, for profit from the days of slavery until now. The division and the selfishness of my children continue to persist. There has been such little sustainable transformation in this nation because there has been such little surrender. Surrender comes at the highest price: dying to self, a surrender of the will.

Will my children return what was given to them?

My entrepreneurs forget that I want to raise them up to show myself off. Many have accelerated their elevation through self-promotion, which social media makes so easy to do today. Because this is the route they have chosen, the building of Babylon, I will tear them down. I will expose their faulty foundations as the water of grace dries from their wells, and I pour out like never before over those who have waited on me. There is coming a shift.

Entrepreneurship is not what you are called into when you are burned out from the 9-5. No! The burnout was a sign that I was calling you higher, but you are not motivated by burnout or the fear of burnout to live. No! You are motivated by the love of God, the fear of God! I am exposing the faulty foundations of those motivated by financial security and convenience.

I am tearing down the American dream—those who have settled for a cheap dream of a nation over contending with me for the nations.

I promised My children in Christ Jesus: Ask of me for the nations, and I will make them your inheritance (Psalm 2). But instead, they ask me for more money to be comfortable in Babylon, the very nation drowning them to hell, making them fit for hell. Babylon is stealing their oil through the promise of entrepreneurship that shall lead to the American dream.

You will see a shift in the earth in the next ten years. Only prophetic entrepreneurs will have roots to stand in the intensity of persecution coming to My Church. Prophetic entrepreneurs will continue to grow financially because I will prepare them in advance as Josephs in their generation. But “Christian” and “Kingdom” entrepreneurs who do not have the capacity, ability, or training to hear me for their seasons will fall.

This is not my desire! This is not my heart! But if my children refuse to be trained, if they refuse to collect oil, if they refuse to heed to My wisdom as their Heavenly Father, then my hands are tied. Not because I cannot save but because I work with agreement. I can only work with agreement. I will never override the will of My children, for this is not true love. My children must choose My Heavenly Wisdom. This is the Heavenly Wisdom.

The majority of “Christian” and “Kingdom” entrepreneurs in the United States are asleep. This is the truth. They are asleep and only ask me for the American dream. They are not contending for nations. They are not grieved by the loss of the ground of the Church. The loss and persecution of Holiness do not grieve them, for they themselves have lost the mandate to be Holy. They have forgotten that I am Holy. The American church has boxed me in as a “loving” God, forgetting that I am only loving because I am Holy.

My children must remember who I am in my totality as a God to be feared.

But there is no need to worry. I am raising up the Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 15) of this generation that will revive the obedience to my law in the business space. I am raising up Jehoshaphats that will train in prophetic entrepreneurship. That will usher in the great conversion of “Christian” and “Kingdom” entrepreneurs to prophetic ones.

Those that transition are those that hear the sound, for I am sending forth an alarm in the Church across the body of Christ. Wake up! Wake up, sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32)! Wake up, my prophets! Wake up, prophets in business! It is your time to arise. It is your time to discern the times. This is your time.

Will you pray that you and an entire generation would wake up? Pray for the reviving of the saints! Those who have been on life-support for too long, lukewarm (Revelation 3), are waking up again! I am sending forth a fire in my church. I am raising up entrepreneurs for their businesses shall be the vessels of the divine wealth transfer that is already here!

The wealth of the nations is coming to you, beloved (Isaiah 60:5). The silver and the gold are mine, declares the Lord of hosts (Haggai 2:8). But you must remember who I am. You must remember that I AM HOLY.” As a prophetic entrepreneur led by the Holy Spirit, you are motivated by love and not by money or convenience. You are called to contend for nations, not just your own comfort. You are equipped with Heavenly wisdom to discern the times and training to operate in prophetic entrepreneurship. This is your time to arise!

This is not prosperity gospel, for it only comes to those already dead. It is coming to those who only dream what I dream. Who want nothing more, and nothing less than to see My Kingdom come.

I am trusting dead people in this season. My prophetic entrepreneurs are My dead entrepreneurs who know they are only alive by My Spirit who sustains them to do My Will and My Will alone. They have said, the food that I eat is to do the will of My Father (John 4:34). This is the generation to whom I am pouring out financial prosperity.

Now is the time to transition so that you might be aligned towards what is coming.

Are you ready to shift?

It’s time to shift from Christian to Prophetic. This is a prophetic word for the Church and for all entrepreneurs: The time has come for the transition from Christian to Prophetic entrepreneurship. The prophetic entrepreneur is one who is led by Holy Spirit in their business. They are not bound by the systems of this world, but they are free in Christ to dream and to build according to the vision that God has given them. There is an intensity of persecution coming to the Church, and those who are not prepared will fall. But those who have been trained and equipped with the prophetic wisdom of God will thrive. This is a time of great opportunity for those who are willing to transition into prophetic entrepreneurship.

Join my Prophetic Entrepreneurs Membership Group to be trained in prophetic entrepreneurship.