An Open Letter to the Prophetic Black Christian Woman: Addressing the Counterfeit Prophetic Movement

Law of attraction and its universal principle of manifestation stand as the counterfeit to the prophetic movement today. It teaches people to focus on what they want, what they deserve, and what the are inherently worthy of.

It does not teach out to discern the will of God, it does not teach holiness, it does not teach only setting goals, and receiving vision that are aligned with our God-given purpose, it does not teach the Cross of Calvary.

If we are prophetic people tell God’s children that manifestion that is taught in the Law of Attraction is the same biblical manifestion that God brought forth for His children, then what sets us apart from the world?

Have we not traded our inheritance for a bowl of soup?

You are not called to manifest your own desire, but to be conformed into His. You are called to pursue the Kingdom. You are called to lay your life down. You are called to serve the Church. Serving the Church can look like a lot of different things but whatever you do, do it unto the glory of God.

God wants what aligns with His Will.

Some of us may be called to build one or multiple 6, 7, or even 8-figure businesses. Others of us may be called to the harshest missions’ fields on which we must live on donations given by others. Whatever you do, do until the glory of God. Whatever you do, be sure that it is what God called you to do.

The danger of law of attraction of the prophetic woman is that it is ultimately a compromise of your prophetic gifting.

You see, in Christ you have the capacity, gifting, and ability to seek the heart and will of God for your business. Once you receive that vision or word in part, your inheritance is to agree with the Word by faith through declaring those things that were as if they already are. They are things “that were” because “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” Jeremiah 1:5 NIV.

As prophetic women, as intercessors, as seers, as scribes, it is our assignment to get a vision from God and partner with Him to contend for that vision.

This is how I do business; it is what I call “prophetic entrepreneurship.” It is a movement that God is raising up to respond to the compromise of the prophetic in the law of attraction that has led thousands and millions of prophets and prophetic people (who don’t even know this is who they are!) to choose the counterfeit promise of worldly riches and superficial peace over the depth of intimacy that comes from walking with the Lord.

To the prophetic woman that is reading this right now,

I know it is lonely.

I know you want to build that business God showed you.

I know that He called you.

I know that for you entrepreneurship is not about an "easy way out,” it’s about living out your purpose.

You want to put in the work.

You want to become who God has called you to be.

You feel torn in many different directions.

You’re hearing a lot of different opinions.

But you don’t know who to trust…

Some of you have made the mistake (like I did long ago) of thinking that you could trust a Christian brand or business coach because they professed to be a woman of faith, and you had to leave their program immediately because they started preaching a counterfeit spiritual movement to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am sorry. I see you. You are not alone.
To the prophetic black Christian woman, I’ve been there.

I want you to know that there is still hope. This is your family.

I am fully committed to walking with you.

Follow me on Instagram as we continue to build with the Holy Spirit’s wisdom.


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