Unapologetic Nicole

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The Sinner’s Prayer

I am beautiful. I am loved. I am worthy.

 My sin does not define me. I am washed in the precious blood of Jesus. Whether I fall, whether I stand—my identity is unwavering, unshaken, because I am washed in the precious blood of the lamb.

I revel in that reality. That no matter where I may find myself, no matter what I do, I have grace, grace to choose Jesus, grace to run to Him even when He isn’t my first choice.

 I thank you Jesus that there is no condemnation because I am hidden in your arms.

 I thank you that you are revealing my heart, revealing my frailty, and inviting me into new depths of humility. I rejoice in your love and the revelation of your goodness. You are a good Father. I fix my eyes on you once again. When my eyes fall to the lesser pleasures of ministry or worldly success and approval, you will lead me to the cross once again because you are a faithful Father who cares about my heart and my salvation.

Oh Lord! You are my salvation. How humbled I am by the depth of my imperfection and the width of your love and the height of your holiness. Oh Lord! How excellent is your name in all the earth. Create in me a clean heart! Teach me how to live for you.

Teach me how to serve you. Teach me how to never take my eyes off of you. In a world where the enemy is after my soul and the church finds itself obsessed with judging others, will you teach me, amidst all of the noise, to focus. I want to be focused. I desire to be focused.

Give me the grace to focus on the only thing that matters! Your word says that in your presence there is fullness of joy. Oh, take me to this secret place, lead me into your presence, let me gaze upon your glory, that I might have fullness of joy. In my sin, I run to you!

Father, I have failed you, I have failed your children, I have failed myself. Oh how I rejoice that you know me better than I know myself! You know my going in and my going out. When I rise and when I go to sleep. When I am asleep, you are not sleeping but you are awake, watching over me, your daughter.

What a grace I find in you! What a rest I find in you! You are truly my living hope. Though I have fallen today, I get right back up. It is the power of the blood that gives me hope for it speaks a better word.

It is not my ability, my gifts, or my history that gives me hope but it’s you and you alone. Today I fell but tomorrow is a new day with new mercies!

I will NOT bow down to hopelessness or idleness. I choose to get back up. I choose to put my faith in you. You give me the grace to carry on! Thank you for teaching me the depth of my dependence.

 To miss one quiet time with you is to miss the direction and vitality I need for the next minute of my day. Let me never skip over time with you for the “better” pleasure of ministry, friends, family, or anything else that may come my way!

If Jesus left the crowds to sit with you, how much more should I—an imperfect human made of dust who is prone to following the lusts of her own flesh. Father, I rejoice! I TRULY REJOICE in you! For you alone are my rock and my salvation.

 I repent of my pride. I repent for thinking I could fight temptation alone. I did not lean on the beautiful resources of family, prayer, and worship you have given me.

 Father, I repent. I ask for your forgiveness and in this very moment I receive your forgiveness. I turn from my sin. I learn from this mistake, committed to trusting in you more deeply tomorrow. Let me not forget what you have taught me today for I know the hardest thing to remember is to remember.

 Holy Spirit bring these lessons into my remembrance. You have taught me today that I must fight for the secret place for I cannot bear the consequences of an un-abided life. Fatigue is not an excuse for sin. You called the disciples to watch and pray lest they enter into temptation.

Teach me to submit to God and resist the devil. I rest in the promise that HE. WILL. FLEE. I praise you Father for this day! Grow me in my maturity. The older I get let me realize more and more how ever dependent I will be on the presence of the Living God.

Where can I go from your presence?

Where can I hide from you? If I make my bed in hell you are there. If I ascend to the Heavens, you are there. Let me get to know you. Let me rest in you. Let me trust you. Grace! I cry out for grace. Thank you, Jesus, for this day.