Unapologetic Nicole

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A Confession of Fear and the Father’s Consolation

I am so afraid, it’s paralyzing.

I feel like at any moment I am going to explode, I am going to break down.

I can’t handle this weight.

I don’t even know what this weight is— well…

It’s fear. I feel the weight of fear and I don’t know how to cope.

I didn’t know I was afraid, I admitted my fear, and now you are continuing to unravel the depths of the fear in my heart.

Please God, help me! Deliver me from fear.

I keep going to try to numb this fear but to no avail.

Father, help me!

How do I let go of this fear?

Wait on me.

Beloved, you are too impatient. You must learn to wait.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

You are restless. You need to be still.

How do I slow down when all I can feel and see and sense is the weight of fear?

Look at me.

How do I look at you?

Read My Word.

Beloved, read My Word and meditate on who I am until the fear dissipates. I promise you it will go. Discipline your mind to look at me in My Word.

My Word is the antecdote to your fear.