Unapologetic Nicole

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Financial Deliverance form Self (Prophetic Word)

God desires to protect us from false teachers trying to deceive us about the right way to establish our businesses. 

“Many are trying to identify their prophetic destinies in God. They have fasted and prayed for answers. My prophetic entrepreneurs must be taught to seek me. I am a God of order and I reveal my will, plans, and purposes in order, the order that only I know. For I am a strategic releaser of revelation. There is pace and strategy that I follow as I release revelation to my children.”

How do I desire to release revelation? 

  1. To receive revelation, my children must choose to praise me even in the midst of the storms and the trials. They must learn to be grateful for the seeking journey for in this process they learn about me, my ways, and my heart (singing in the dream). 2 Chronicles 20 strategy of praise and worship for breakthrough. 

  2. To receive revelation, my children must be willing to listen to the words of my prophets, and they must they themselves desire to grow in hearing the voice of the Lord. (In the dream I was giving advice and direction and those that followed stayed on the path. Those that didn’t disappeared). 

  3. For the prophetic entrepreneur must grow in their prophetic gift for such a time as this. I desire that my children do this in a community. I desire that they would not grow and strategize alone but that they would do it in a family (in the dream, those that stayed in the group succeeded but those who wandered off on their own because they thought they could do it “better” or get their “faster” disappeared, never reaching the finish line). 

[The fastest way to grow in the prophetic is in community] 

“There are many corrupted teachers who do not really know the way.” 

“Not everyone who begins in the entrepreneurial journey will arrive at the finish line. If my people are misguided by false teachers then they will never tap into the promises I have for them.”

The Lord highlighted,

One of the best ways to guard against false teaching for our businesses is to be “delivered from self”. 

We must learn to completely surrender to the Lord so He can truly lead us and guide us without resistance. We must desire the ways of the Lord, not simply begrudgingly listen to the Lord because we feel we “have to”. 

Deliverance from Self

(4 Part Word)

“If my prophetic entrepreneurs are not delivered from self, then they themselves will be the enemies to the Promised Land.”

God must take every prophetic entrepreneur on the journey of “deliverance from self” emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially. 

Emotionally—they must learn the emotions of God over their own lives. 

Mentally—they must allow their minds to be renewed by the thoughts of God.

Spiritually—they must learn to desire the will of the Father above their own. 

Financially—they must learn the revelation of stewardship; their money is God’s. 

God is taking each prophetic entrepreneur on this journey and it looks unique for each one depending on the specific mandate God is preparing them for. 

Financial Deliverance from Self

(Part 1/4)

In the vision I had, we were at a cash register. I was watching people buy things they really couldn’t afford because they felt like they had to. I was wanting to warn them that they didn’t need to buy these things as it was putting them into debt and disqualifying them from the purposes and plans of God for their lives, ministries, and businesses. 

If God does not deliver you from the constant need to spend, He cannot trust you with the wealth He is calling you to build. To steward over the wealth that God has for us, we have to be delivered from consumerism.

“Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. 14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.” Romans 6:12-14 NIV


In prophetic entrepreneurship, your motivation cannot be money. God is calling you to be the solution to a problem and to raise funds for such a time as this. 

Are you willing to lay down your own personal finances to see the fulfillment of the vision? Are you willing to sow the profit back into the business so that it can grow and become everything God has called it to be? Are you willing to be the greatest benefactor to the business?

B.    Identify the Pain/Problem 

Before trying to build the business, one must identify the pain and problem God is calling them to address. Ask the Lord, “What are the unique aspects of my story that make me the individual God has called for this work?” Just as Paul was strategically prepared to preach to the gentiles, so you must be prepared. Paul had a past that prepared him for his purpose (ready to withstand persecution, deep knowledge of Jewish tradition and Gentile traditions). 

C. Be Willing to Endure Financial Hardship (in the Pursuit of the Business)


 Asking for will of God is asking for momentary hardship.

God is preparing those he can trust with wealth even at a young age. So he has allowed you to enter into a season that requires financial wisdom and dependence on God for manna. 

He’s preparing you not by giving you much to steward over but by pushing you to the point of nearly nothing to test your heart and your faithfulness to him, to his people, and to his promise.

He has intentionally called you to serve in a place even that looks barren because he has desired to test your heart to see who has your heart.  

The Lord is driving out the spirit of mammon (Matthew 6:24) from the prophets in this hour so that they might be ready to steward safely over the finances.

These finances are to fund a new fresh missions’ movement even unto the nations out of the black community. 

The Lord says, he’s raising up missionaries out of the African American community and he is raising up senders, even black female senders for these missionaries. And there are many with an entrepreneurial spirit that has fallen upon them specifically for the purpose of missions.

And many of them thought that the promises of entrepreneurship simply extended to the promise to the family. But the Lord says, “no the promise is not just for the natural family but for the Spiritual Family, The Kingdom The God”. 

The Lord says, “I desire to see my words sent out amongst all the nations and I desire to send out the people from the African-American community to go forth young and old specifically black female missionaries to go.” 

For the spirit of the Lord says, “I’m raising up entrepreneurial business models for my black female entrepreneurs in this hour that they might be ready to sustain themselves in the place of missions.”

 The Lord says, “I am taking you through a season a financial hardship to test your heart.” 

For the Lord says, “doubt not my promise, doubt not the dream, doubt not the vision for the entrepreneurship vision is coming, it is being raised up for such a time as this. Continue to be faithful to the Lord and tap into your spiritual inheritance in the relationships I’ve given you. Relationships are wealth in this hour.

The Lord says, “don’t be afraid to depend on relationships for financial provision in this hour even when it may feel uncomfortable. Don’t wait for the fulfillment of the promise of entrepreneurship to feel sustained, loved, or fulfilled by the Lord.”

“Yes, the business is coming but first I am asking you to lean on those I am placing in your life for such a time as this. For in this I am teaching you submission, I am teaching you service, I am teaching you waiting.”

“For there is a Joseph mantle that is being established in the earth but there must be a Joseph test for all that desire to say yes to the Joseph anointing. For I am raising up those to be ones of provision in the time of scarcity and depression, but I must test the hearts of my children in the prison.”

“And there will be many in the season that will not pass my test for this promise but those that will pass my test will see a double portion of restoration not only for their natural family but they will see the fulfilment of the inheritance and their part played in the spiritual family in the kingdom of God in preparing the way for the second coming of the king.”