Unapologetic Nicole

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Get Up, and Fight! (Prophetic Word)

I hear the Spirit of God say:

My children do not know how to fight the accusation of the enemy and the extremely legalistic ways in which he operates. They are on the run because they have not learned how to fight. Teach my children how to fight to bind the accusation over their lives so they can walk in freedom to pursue their prophetic callings and destinies.

The enemy desires to keep you in a place of condemnation and accusation, so you will never step out in faith to pursue your calling. Here is how you can overcome the accuser in your life:

  1. Remember he is already defeated (Romans 8:1). When Jesus died on the Cross and was resurrected on the third day, He silenced every devil in hell with His testimony of victory. You must not fight a battle He has already one.

  2. Ask God for the grace to align yourself with His finished work. Sometimes we are not living out condemnation-free lives because we have consciously or subconsciously come into agreement with the enemy. We believe lies about ourselves that do not align with the Word of God and what He has spoken and prophesied over us. Ask God to highlight lies you are believing about yourself and your calling. As He reveals them, say, “I came out of agreement with the lie that ___(insert lie)___. I declare and decree that I am___(insert biblical truth and prophetic promise)___.”

  3. Praise and Worship. Praise and Worship will always silence the spirit of accusation. Remember the battle strategy the Lord gave to King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20.

And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed.

2 Chronicles 20:22 ESV

You have the victory over the enemy in Christ Jesus. You do not need to be afraid of what the enemy throws at you. When the promises of God are resisted in your life, take heart and remember that all that you have need of lies in Him.

Take refuge in Him. Humble yourself before Him. Wait on Him. Choose to love on Him in your obedience. Forgive those who have spoken badly about you. Love those who continue to dishonor and misunderstand you. Confess the secrets that are keeping your soul in bondage.

Remember, the enemy loves to keep us in sin because it compromises our authority. When we have not repented, the enemy has an open door. Remember Adam and Eve in the Garden. Adam felt shame for his sin, so he ran from the Lord, but his restoration was in his confession. Yes, there were consequences for his sin, but remember: before the foundations of the world, the lamb was slain (Revelation 13:8).

Take heart in knowing that before you sinned, Jesus covered you. When you repent, you receive His covering, His forgiveness, and His righteousness. You do not need to be afraid of what the enemy throws at you. You simply need to trust in the Lord and hold fast to His promises. I know that they have been delayed, but delay does not mean denied. Delay does not mean they shall not come to pass.

Don’t quit now. You’ve come too far! You’ve come too far to let go. You’ve come too far to compromise your prophetic destiny. I know that no one else “gets it.” no one else understands it, but beloved, your reward is in your endurance. You don’t need your family, your friends, or even your church family to understand it. Wait on God to vindicate you. Wait on God to show Himself strong and mighty through you and in your life.

I prophesy over your life that in this second half of the year, things change for the better. I prophesy supernatural acceleration over your life that is sustainable. I declare and decree that what is coming shall not compare to what was. Your joy shall well outweigh your tears, as your good days outweigh your bad days. Beloved, it will all be worth it in the end. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! The Lord is with you.

He is maturing you. He is refining you. Remember, the discipline of the Lord is evidence of your sonship. Beloved, keep fighting. Beloved, yes, you’ve fallen a thousand times; get up again! The Lord has the final say. Until you have no more breathe, God’s restorative power is still working in you. Remember, He is bringing it into completion (Philippians 1:6).

Fight. Fighting may mean very practically investing in coaches and mentors that can pour into you at the level of where you are going.

A practical word of encouragement: do not take advice from those who have not been where you are going. Limit the number of voices in your ear. Trust God.

And they rose early in the morning and went out into the wilderness of Tekoa. And when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.” And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the Lord and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say,

2 Chronicles 20:20-21 ESV

You do not need to wait for the approval of man to build what God has placed inside of you. You do not have to wait for others to walk with you for you to move forward. Do not be afraid to walk by yourself for a season for the Lord your God is with you, and He is sending a team to support you as you step out in faith and do the work.

Watch as I send you strategic relationships to support you in your building. Watch as I send those who catch the vision who want to build with you. Do not quit on the vision I have placed inside of you. Keep going, keep going, keep going for this is just the beginning! I will give you supernatural favor. I am sending you a ministry team to do the work I have called you to do. You are not alone. Keep trusting me; keep putting in the work. Your breakthrough is coming. Your walls are falling down. There is no devil in hell that can resist my plans when my people stand in agreement in faith. Beloved, stand in faith for it is pleasing to me. All of heaven is backing the promise because I have said it and you have declared it. Beloved, angels are moving on your behalf. You are not alone. Keep pushing. Keep pressing. You are not perfect but I am have not called you to perfection. I am perfecting you. I will continue to send those to support you emotionally, spiritually, practically, and even financially. But remember, all of this ultimately comes from me. I am Jehovah Jireh. Jehovah Jireh is who I am. I am worthy of your trust for I am an unchanging God. I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Trust me. I am with you. I am holding you. I am building you. I am building everything attached to you. Keep going for as you labor, I am blessing the birth. As you labor, I am giving you supernatural favor. Keep going. This is not the time to quit, to faint, to lose heart. There is more fight inside of you, more strength inside of you, more courage insight of you.

Get up and fight!


Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.
It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep.

Psalm 127:1-2 ESV

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