God says to His Entrepreneurs:“Be Quiet” (Prophetic Word)

 But Joshua commanded the people, “You shall not shout or make your voice heard, neither shall any word go out of your mouth, until the day I tell you to shout. Then you shall shout.”

Joshua 6:10 ESV

My entrepreneurs are afraid and that is draining them and making them tired. They are doing a lot of stuff but not actually bearing much fruit because they are operating out of a spirit of fear, calling it a spirit of productivity.

I want to remove this deception from their eyes, I want to remove these blinders so that they can truly walk out in a spirit of faith.

For the prophetic entrepreneur, less is more. While the world of entrepreneurship says “do more. create more. be better”, the world of kingdom Entrepreneurship says “less is more” because there is a legitimate problem, I’ve called you to solve. While many worldly entrepreneurs have to spend time trying to understand behavioral psychology and manipulating people into sales, you will not do so, says the Spirit of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord says, I am leading people into your programs.

The Spirit of the Lord says,

your programs will be overflowing with the people that I’ve predestined for them to serve. Where many entrepreneurs have entered into the journey for profit you have been sent, you have been EKBALLOED (Matthew 9:38) into the space to be the solution to a problem.

And while yes you will grow in the strategy required to see the fullness of what I’ve promised you, do not try to live on level ten when you are still on level one, says the Lord.

For what I have called you to is so big that it’s going to take more time and prayer than what you had initially thought when you started out in this journey. 

But the Lord is saying,

  • where are my entrepreneurs that will live in it for the long-haul?

  • Where are my entrepreneurs who are getting the vision of a decade?

  • Where are the entrepreneurs that will see vision so great that it is going to require a team? This will take time. This will take time. This will take time.

  • Where are my entrepreneurs that are willing to take their time?

  • Where are my entrepreneurs who are willing to run a race of endurance and perseverance?

  • Where are my entrepreneurs that will not buy into business coaches that promise immediate instant gratification and success?

  • Where are my entrepreneurs that will be willing to go on the prophetic journey with me, says the Lord, to truly seek me for the true solutions that they are called to bring forth into the earth?

  • Where are my entrepreneurs who will let go of income goals and the security of this world in order to pursue the true calling that is upon their lives?

  • Where are my entrepreneurs that are not willing to settle for earthly strategy? But are willing to fast and pray to see kingdom realities manifested even in the creative strategies of their businesses?

Many of my entrepreneurs, especially those that are coming into deeper clarity (even in the first five and ten years of their entrepreneurial journeys) are wrestling with their calls. In this season God is requiring that there is time taken for emotional healing and emotional reconciliation and emotional confrontation with the word of the Lord.

Many of my entrepreneurs have heard the voice of God for their business and ministries but they have not been honest about counting the cost and how the cost is weighing on them emotionally.

I desire to not just be a commander but to be a comforter and a mother to those who I am calling to navigate in new apostolic waters. In this season I desire to teach my prophetic entrepreneurs that I desire to comfort them in the turmoil of their emotions. I desire to give them peace in their emotions. For the Prophetic Entrepreneur, peace is coming to your emotions. The Lord says, as you’re honest with me in the season, peace is coming to your emotions.

Last week the Lord said that we must process what is happening with us as we are devoted to what he is calling us to do. In the way that we are devoted, the way that we are to declare the promises, in the way that we are to be disciplined, first starts from a place of intimacy with the Lord…

The Lord says, the prophetic Entrepreneurs that so choose not to process their fears will stumble in the next year. But the prophetic Entrepreneurs that take their time over these next three months to process their emotions will find themselves more established even while doing less work than their counterparts. The prophetic Entrepreneurs that will wait on the Lord will find themselves comforted by the Lord.  Those who do less and allow the Lord to be a comforter in their emotions, will see greater success than the entrepreneurs that try to immediately run into what I revealed. For a free spirit of revelation has come upon the prophetic Entrepreneur but just because one can see doesn’t mean, it is to walk. Just because one has surveyed the land, does not mean it is time to conquer the land. The Lord says yes, in this season where you are in transition and you are possessing the land, but you are not yet in the land, there are different requirements. In the land there are different requirements. As you’re in transition it is important that you are constantly being honest with where your heart is because if your heart is disconnected and your heart is not guarded you will stumble the moment that you enter the land. The Lord says specifically for the prophetic Entrepreneur in this hour over the next three months take time to process with me emotionally, take time to structure your time just to ask yourself before me in my presence, “how do I feel about where God has me and where he is taking me? How do I feel about the new thing? How do I feel?”


There are three specific fears in the life of the prophetic entrepreneur that many of you are wrestling with in this hour.

  1. Fear over your identity/who you are.

  2. Fear over the pace of what it’s going to require to get to where God is calling you.

  3. Fear that you don’t have what it takes to make it to the end of the journey.

People will persecute you. People will not understand what you are doing. People will say it is not of God. People will say you are wasting your time. People are going to say that you should just work in a place where there’s more security and work up the ladder of institutional validation and yet God is calling you out into these waters. And for many years it will look like a waste of time but there is coming a great harvest for I have raised you up like a Joseph to prepare for something that the natural eye cannot see. I have raised you up like a Joseph in your generation to prepare for the trials and the tribulations in this earth. For the earth pangs are only going to increase; the birth pangs of the earth are only going to increase.

As you have said yes to this entrepreneurial journey you have said yes to a prophetic preparation and much of this preparation will look like a prison. But the Lord says forsake not your prison for in this pit I am preparing you for the palace. The Lord says, forsake not the season of the prison for it is in this hour that true intimacy is cultivated, and your true heart is revealed. The Lord says this is the greatest moment of your testing and if you can pass the “Joseph present” then you’ll be ready for the “Joseph mantle”. If you can pass the Joseph testing and trial then you can be in position for the Joseph authority.

Your faith in my promise is more important than your work because it’s your faith that is going to lead you into the promised land. If you are working out of fear, then you are driving yourself out of faith. If you are not disciplining your life around growing, building, and guarding your faith, then the fear is going to inevitably grow because that is the default of the human heart. If you prioritize the work over addressing your fears the work is going to end up being futile for you are building in your own strength and not allowing the Lord to build at the pace that he has set out.

This is not the hour of building but the hour of preparation even in your emotions.

I need emotionally prepared prophetic entrepreneurs.

For the next three years I am calling you to build and to build mightily but if you don’t deal with your fear in this hour you will not be able or be ready to build in the years of 2022, 2023, and 2024 which will be critical hours of your building but in these next three months you must take time to address your emotional needs and to rest in the arms of your Father. I have appointed this as the hour of Sabbath and if you take the hour of Sabbath, you will be blessed. But if you do not take this hour of Sabbath, you will miss the new thing that I am doing in you.

For do you not know that the vision is for an appointed hour?

The vision is not dictated upon how fast or how hard or how determined or how focused you are in your work but how vigilant you are in your faith. I am telling you that if you do not address even the subconscious fears in your heart, you will forfeit the promise, the entrepreneurial promise that I do have upon your life. The Lord says, less is more in this season. Can I not accelerate in the hour of building what felt delayed in the hour of rest? Can I not accelerate in the hour of divine building that which you felt may have been delayed when you were at rest? For this is not the hour to put your hand to the plow, but to continue to dream new dreams, cast vision, and lay down your fears at my feet so that we can walk together. For before I named Jacob “Israel”, he had to wrestle with me. In the same way, you cannot rush into the time of being named Israel before you get to the time of wrestling like Jacob. You must wrestle with me until you see a victory and peace in your relationship with me and who I am calling you to be in me.

Be quiet because you’re in a vulnerable place.

The opinions of man will drive you right out of faith for your faith is not yet at a place of fortification where you can speak confidently about what I promised without being wavered in the face of others, especially those that are close to you and that you love dearly.

For there is a fresh and new revelation of your identity that I am releasing but I have not revealed this to many, and I have not revealed it to most, so if you try to walk in this new identity and share it with others, they will naturally doubt the new identity because they do not have eyes to see it. You need to take this hour to wrestle the fears that you have around your new identity and this fresh mandate upon your life so you might walk fully and confidently when I call you to build.

Do not prematurely shout at the new revelation of who you are that you miss in a time of processing in the secret place what I have spoken.

 For there will be a time that you announce it to the nations; there will be a time that you declare it boldly and loudly, but this is not the hour, says the Lord. The Lord says trust me with the pace that I am establishing and that I have established before the foundations of the earth. I know you do not understand, and you do not see it but in your obedience, you will be blessed. Be faithful to what I am speaking, and you will be blessed. Be obedient to the word that the prophet is speaking, and you will be blessed.

If you choose to disobey this word, that is your choice, but you will see the fruit of your fear if you do not conquer it now.

For there is no room for faithlessness and fear in the promised land. There is no room for fear and faithlessness in the hour of building. So, you must take your time now to process your fear that you might build courageously and boldly like the lion, says the Lord.


What is Healing? A Personal Reflection.


God says, “Build Your Coaching Business to Invest in Real Estate” (Prophetic Word)