Unapologetic Nicole

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How to Be a Spiritual Entrepreneur

When most people think of entrepreneurs, they think of people who are driven by money and power. While those things may be a part of entrepreneurship, they are not the only thing. In fact, there is another type of entrepreneur that is becoming more and more common: the spiritual entrepreneur. This is someone who is driven by their faith and by the Holy Spirit. They want to use their business to glorify God and to help others. If this sounds like you, then read on!

Here are four tips to help you become a Christian entrepreneur-led by the Holy Spirit.

First, it is important to develop a relationship with God. This means spending time in prayer and in His Word. It also means surrendering your business to Him and asking for His guidance.

Second, surround yourself with other Christians who can encourage you and hold you accountable to the vision God has given you. These people will be a vital part of your support system. Third, get involved in a local church. This is where you will receive spiritual guidance and wisdom for your business.

Fourth, stay away from anything that would compromise your integrity or cause you to sin. This includes things like gossip, slander, and greed.

By following these tips, you can become a Christian entrepreneur that is led by the Holy Spirit and not by the culture. You will be following God, and not what's trending. And you will be making a difference in the world for His glory!

Do you have any tips to add? Share them in the comments below!

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