How to Find a Spiritual Advisor for Your Business: Christian discernment tips.

When you're starting a business, it's important to have a strategic support community so you can avoid common pitfalls. One of the hardest things to find in business is someone who you can trust with your business ideas and that has the prophetic insight to help you build what God gave you. It's not just about the "right" strategy but having the strategy that the Holy Spirit is giving to you. Successful businesses in God's eyes are the businesses that honor him every step of the way. A spiritual advisor can help you discern God's will for your business. How can you find a spiritual advisor? With so many different options available, how do you discern who is right for you? In this blog post, we will teach you how to find a spiritual advisor who will help you achieve success in your business as a Christian.

The first step to finding a spiritual advisor is to ask God to send one to you. This is the most important step in finding a spiritual advisor. When you are praying, ask God to reveal to you who He wants you to work with. Be open to whoever He sends your way, even if it's not who you were expecting. Ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit and wisdom as you discern who your spiritual advisor should be.

Secondly, get recommendations from people you trust. Talk to other Christian business owners or entrepreneurs and see if they have anyone they would recommend. Once you have a few names, do your research on each one of them. See what their background is and what kind of experience they have in business coaching or spiritual advising.

Another way to find a spiritual advisor is to attend Christian business conferences or events. At these types of events, you will be able to meet different coaches and advisors and get a feel for who they are and what they do. You can also ask them questions about their coaching style and what kind of results they have been able to achieve with their clients.

When you are meeting with potential spiritual advisors, there are some things you should look for. Make sure they are Christians themselves. This is important because you want to make sure they have the same values as you do and that they will be able to help you grow spiritually as well as business-wise. You also want to make sure they are experienced in business coaching or advising. Ask them about their experience working with other businesses and what kind of results they have been able to achieve. Also, ask them about their coaching style and how they work with their clients. Make sure it is a good fit for you and your business goals.

When you are meeting with potential spiritual advisors, it's important to pay attention to the Holy Spirit. He will give you wisdom and discernment as you make your decision. Trust that He will lead you to the right person for your business.

Finally, when you have found someone you think could be a good fit, be sure to look for any red flags. If they are talking about "manifesting" or "law of attraction" and avoid using the name Jesus, they are not a good fit for a true believer. This philosophy is dangerous because it is unbiblical and opens you up to demonic attacks. I talk a lot about this on my Youtube Channel if you are interested in learning more about why manifesting is a sin.

Spiritual advisors will accelerate your business clarity, and by extension, your success but choosing the wrong one can lead you astray from your faith and ultimately what God has for you in your business.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to find a spiritual advisor who can help you grow your Christian business. Remember to pray for guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, and He will lead you to the right person. Thank you for reading! We hope this was helpful. God bless!

What questions do you have about finding a spiritual advisor? Let us know in the comments below!


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