Unapologetic Nicole

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“I am by your side” (Prophetic Word)

I am walking with you on the ocean shore. I am holding your hand. I am whispering into your ear. I am leading and guiding you. I am unveiling to you and you alone the secrets of my heart concerning my bride, your life, my church.

I am with you.

I see you.

I see your heartbeat.

I notice your breath.

I created you, I formed you, and I am watching you.

I care about you deeply and I know you intimately.

I know the number of hairs on your head, the number of cells in your body, the number of steps you walked on this day. I keep track of all things; my heart possesses all knowledge, all wisdom, and all understanding.

There is no lack in me. I am a big God. I am a mighty God. I am the One and Only True God. I am eternally good. I am eternally present. I never change. My ways are constant, my precepts are good, and my hope never changes.

I never change my mind concerning you. When I shared my heart with you about your life, your ministry, your business, I meant it.

What I promised, I will fulfill it. It is going to happen.

But I see your doubt. I see in your heart that you are still asking, “But why?"

You are asking, “Why am I in this situation, in this circumstance when God promised this (insert promise here)?”

Beloved, great question. First, you must know that I am not afraid of your questions. In fact, I delight in your questions. It opens the dialogue for intimate conversation. But before I answer your question, I have a question for you.

Do you love me?

If the answer is yes then these are My Words that I want to remind you of in this moment:

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5 NIV

Abide in me. I haven’t called you to bear fruit; I have called you to abide. The natural by-product of abiding or “remaining” (NIV translation) is that fruit is produced.

Why are you in the situation/circumstance that you presently find yourself in?

Beloved, I challenge you: the circumstance is not what’s frustrating but it’s the perspective you carry. With the right perspective you can endure all things, anything I call you to do.

You see, now and here lies the root of your frustration: hurry and misguided perception. You have allowed the enemy to plant seeds of doubt because you’re upset at my pace and my process. It is often like me to promise one thing and permit the seemingly opposite thing to happen.

You see, the human mind is limited in its ability to comprehend the ways and mind of God. As hard as they have tried over centuries, they still fail to understand me. Can clay ever understand the potter? Nonsense! A created thing can only operate within the faculties given by the Creator. Yet my children try again and again to be like me, to be me. They will never be me.

You will never be me. However, I have invited you to oneness with me!

This is the beauty of the gospel: that in Christ, we are one. Beloved, you must know that I am by your side. You must know that I am with you. You must not be afraid of what may or may not come. You can’t hold the future but I have the whole world in my hands. I have created time itself. Why do you go back to the drawing board time and time again trying to figure it all out in your own strength?

Will you not trust that my plans for you are good? Will you not trust that I am a faithful provider, a good father, and a faithful friend? I am an ever-present help in times of trouble. I am more than “cliché” bible verses. I am truly your help that is internally present.

But you refuse to live that way…

Why? Why beloved, do you continue to let go of my hand when I am calling you deeper still into the waters? Life isn’t about what you produce; it’s about who you do it with. Will you do life with me? That’s what I am after: eternal communion. I don’t want your work; I want your heart.

Remember beloved, I am on your side. When you choose to hold my hand, when you choose to acknowledge my presence, you will find that I’ve always been there.

Will you seek me with your whole heart?

Will you seek me the way you did when you first began?

Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.

Revelation 2:4-5 NIV