Unapologetic Nicole

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Endure the Pain of the Pruning: It is Not Too Late to Build (Prophetic Word)

I understand that you are disappointed. You feel as if you aren’t making any progress. You feel as if I have betrayed you. You feel as if I have left you to die. You feel as if I have teased you or tricked you into having faith in something that will never happen.

You are discouraged. You are afraid to express your discouragement to me. “Why God?” your inner man cries, “Why did you call me to this barren land?” You find yourself in despair.

First, you, my child, must know that I am grieving with you. You must understand that you are not alone in your pain, doubt, or confusion.

You must know that in this emotional pain, you are closer than you’ve ever been before. You must understand that the pain is part of the pruning process. You must know that your pain is evidence that you have taken significant steps toward what I have for you.

You need not quit; you need only ask me for my perspective. You are disappointed because you merely look at your business (or lack thereof) from a natural standpoint rather than a spiritual one.

Why are you in a rush? I ask my children, “Why are you in a rush?” What is in the land of entrepreneurship that isn’t here with me?

You must ask me to expose your heart. This is a word that many of my children do not want to hear, but is it possible that you have idolized entrepreneurship?

You believe it is a life better than what you currently live, a fantasy that will bring true peace, happiness, and joy. My children know this is untrue, but the enemy has deceived you. I know it because I see your disappointment, frustration, and anger.

You keep asking me, “Why isn’t it working? YOU PROMISED ME ‘THIS’ AND ‘THAT’?” You are angry, and I am silent.

I am silent because you have yet to fully grasp my ways. I am still teaching you the way of prophetic entrepreneurship. You must understand that there is a process.

Ask yourself beloved:

  • Is my goal in business to make money, or is my goal in business to be obedient to God?

  • Is my purpose in business marketing to gain a following or serve God’s children?

  • Have I idolized numbers, fame, success, and fast results above God’s perfect timing?

The turmoil in your emotions is a sign that perhaps you have fallen out of alignment. Invite me in to reasses your priorities, dreams, and desires.

I am calling many of my entrepreneurs to move forward, but they have yet to seek me for the wisdom they need to move forward successfully. Many of my children have been unwise in their decisions, allowing themselves to be led by friends and family who do not know what’s best for their calling and purpose.

Because their friends and family have said they “love them,” they have made this the standard for who must pour into them, but they must receive my wisdom to invest in the programs that will properly equip them for the assignment. My children have blocked out some negative voices, but they have not intentionally sought my face for the right voices.

As my children have set out to start their businesses, many have tried to copy what others are doing who are successful, comparing themselves to those who are much farther along in the entrepreneurial journey. To my children that are just starting out: must know that patience is necessary. They cannot compromise on the structure and the strategy. I want to download directly to them a divine blueprint that is just for them. They do not need to copy what the “leaders” in the industry are saying for they are the pioneers and apostles of their industries. Because they do not believe in the greatness that I have placed inside of them, many are watering down my promises, trying to start a business that feels possible in their own strength instead of seeking me for the impossible. I want to position them for the miracle, yet they desire to position themselves for the comfortable.

There will be times of pruning. It will not feel good, but the final product will result in a more beautiful tree. You need to trust the process, even when it appears that everything is being taken away. I am faithful to complete the work that I started in them.

Many of my children are “failing” because they are doing what seems profitable and not what is purposeful. They are following social media trends, instead of what I am pouring out in the secret place. This is either because (1) they are not listening to me at all or (2) my voice is constantly being drowned out by the voices they consume on social media. Many of my children spend more time listening to the opinions of others than they do listening to me. They spend more time consuming others' content than praying about the content I am calling them to create. Many of my children are complacent. In their complacency, they complain to me because they are not where I promised them they would be but they do not understand the role that they play in their stagnancy. Tell my entrepreneurs to pray about their stagnancy, and to ask me for wisdom, guidance, and revelation. Ask me to expose and to convict them concerning the roots of their complacency.

Beloved, you are losing invaluable time that you cannot get back. You have not raised your standard for focus (Prophetic Word for 2022: Raise Your Standard of Focus).

You are distracted and you have compromised in the vision I have given you.

Because of this, you have committed to a death sentence concerning your entrepreneurial dreams. Those you thought supported you because they loved you, you will now see that they were not equipped to support you.

it is not too late to turn around, it is not too late to see an increase. It is not too late for momentum to come, for my entrepreneurs to arise into the promise and the destiny that I have for them. It is not too late! My children can no longer blame others for their stagnancy. It is time for them to move forward.

It is time for you to own your shortcomings and your failure so that I can restore you and equip you to move forward with confidence and courage. I will restore the time. It is not too late.

Entrepreneur, the Spirit of God says, “GET UP! ARISE! IT IS NOT YOUR TIME TO DIE!” YOU SHALL LIVE.

The Lord has taken you through a season of pruning and refinement. In this process you felt as if the promise was lost, but the promises are still yes and amen.

You have endured the wilderness.

Now God says,

Continue to endure the pruning as I take you to the next level in ministry and business. Now is not your time to die. Now is your time to arise. It is your time to become everything I have called you to be. Keep building, keep sowing, keep believing for we have just begun. I have been building you, now it’s time to build the business.

Those that worked against you will now begin to support you as they begin to see the manifestation of the gift of God inside of you but you cannot wait for them to support it in order for you to build it.

You must stand up for the dream, the vision, the promise that I have placed inside of you. It won’t happen passively! The courage, the confidence, the resolution. The glory of God inside of you is pulling the resources and relationships you need to build directly to you.

How badly do you want to become? How willing are you to fight for the promise I’ve placed inside of you? YES, it will require a fight.

It will require everything in you in order for my promises to manifest.

Are you willing? I promised my Son a seat at my right hand but first, even He had to endure the pruning process that would ultimately lead Him to success at the Cross. His resurrection came as he endured His suffering—emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. What you are going through now emotionally is simply a part of the process. It is not punishment; it is the necessary work that must be done in order for you to fulfill your prophetic destiny.

Now is not the time to hide, now is the time to fight. Now is not the time to shy away and quit, now is the time to give it everything you have.

I have built you and prepared you to fight, to wage war for the prophetic promises of entrepreneurship upon your life.

Fast. Pray. Fight.


We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.
2 Corinthians 10:4 NLT

The strategy I gave you in the beginning of the year is still the strategy you need right now. I will restore the time.

Early the next morning the army of Judah went out into the wilderness of Tekoa. On the way Jehoshaphat stopped and said, “Listen to me, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets, and you will succeed.”

2 Chronicles 20:20 NLT