Unapologetic Nicole

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How to Overcome Fear (The Great Enemy of Intimacy)

The Lord spoke these words to me:

The greatest enemy to our intimacy is your fear.

He continued,

The best way to be delivered from fear is through fasting. Your fasting will deliver you from fear. Your fears will only be overcome through prayer and fasting because through fasting and prayer I will 

1. Reveal who you are.

2. Impart Peace to your heart.

3. Build your faith which will produce endurance within you.

He then said,

All these 3 things are quintessential antidotes to the main 3 fears you are wrestling with in this season (fear of who you are, fear of the pace of the promise, fear that you don’t have what it takes to see it to completion).

Then I asked the Lord,

Why is fear a barrier to intimacy? Why do I need intimacy? 

And He quickly reminded me,

You were created for intimacy. Everything you do comes out of your being, your identity. In me you live, move, and have your being. If there is no intimacy there is no living, there is no purpose. Intimacy is everything. You were created to be intimate. Everything flows from intimacy. 

And then he said something that shook me,

You were not created to be afraid. 

Jesus was, is, and will never be afraid. To look more like him is to actively die to your fear. 

When you are afraid it is because you are believing lies.

Truth is is a prerequisite to intimacy.

You can’t be intimate if you are fearful because you are believing lies about who you are and who you’re called to be.

You are created for a fearless life.

The Lord continued to speak clearly,

You must master your fear. You will master your fear through fasting and prayer. 

Food and comfort are idols. In starvation, I am still the bread of life. In war, I am still the prince of peace. Truth is true regardless of circumstance.

I allow you to be in circumstances that are lying so that you might grow strong in the truth.

Self-denial through fasting and prayer is an opportunity to grow strong in the word of the Lord, in the Truth. 

The closer we get, the more of me you can carry. 

We get closer the more you die. Death is a requirement for intimacy. Die to self because the flesh profits nothing. Die to self because you’re true life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3). 

Every time you break your fast or disobey, it is because you are a slave to fear. I want to be delivered from fear.

I want you to walk in the light. 


This is an hour of new dreams, new vision, and lay down your fears. 

I know I must see victory in peace with my relationship with God. Without peace, I cannot build with the LORD. This is a season of fasting and prayer to see victory in the place of our emotions that we might build in humility, wisdom, and courage. Keep fighting, prophetic entrepreneur. Keep going!