Unapologetic Nicole

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Receive the Overflow (Prophetic Word)

We are in an hour of apostolic building in business with a prophetic anointing of innovation (i.e. a call to entrepreneurship). This prophetic word is for those who have already begun building their business prophetically (see Prophetic Word: “It’s Time to Build”). Once you have begun building with the trumpet sound of prophetic declaration, you are in position to receive the overflow. The manna has dried up, and it is now time to receive the overflow of the produce of the land (see Prophetic Word: “You’re Transitioning from Manna to the Produce of the Land”). 

The Spirit of God says, “This is the hour of overflow for wealth creation that shall bring forth Kingdom advancement. You shall receive an overflow in wealth and wealth creation strategies. This wealth will allow you to invest in Kingdom projects that I have placed on your heart and that I will connect you to sow into. You will be known as a benefactor of the Kingdom.”

The Spirit of God says, “For my marketplace apostle and prophets, this wealth begins with advancement into the coaching industry” (see Prophetic Word: Build Your Coaching Business to Invest in Real Estate). 

“Stop trying to build several businesses at once. Start with coaching. My children must build to 6-figures in their coaching business before they invest in real estate. Then 7-figures will be the sign that I am releasing them into other industries. Covenant Consulting is the home of marketplace apostles and prophets to safely, confidently, and prophetically build what I’ve given them as an innovative coaching practice that will generate great wealth for the Kingdom. This is the season of overflow. You will not only have your needs met, but you will have more than enough to do what I have called you to do in serving the Body of Christ. Your investment into the school to become a prophetic entrepreneur is a prophetic declaration that they are ready to receive the overflow.” 

The Spirit of God says, “Because of this overflow, I will release you of your financial debt. This is the season that you will lay out the plan to pay off your debt at an exponential rate” (see 2 Kings 4:1-7). 

How do we receive the overflow?  Watch the Teaching on YouTube, “Should You Leave Your Career to Start a Christian Life Coaching Business Full-Time? | Life Coach Certification.” In this video, I walk you through how to prophetically walk in the financial overflow that God has for you. It starts with your advancement in the coaching industry as you establish the financial capital to then advance into other industries that He leads you too.

You become my delicious feast

even when my enemies dare to fight.

You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit;

you give me all I can drink of you until my cup overflows.

So why would I fear the future?

Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life.

Then afterward, when my life is through,

I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you!

Psalm 23:5-6 TPT