Unapologetic Nicole

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Serve Because You Fear Him

God doesn’t release revelation to hurt, condemn, punish or lord it over us.

He always reveals to love, encourage, comfort, counsel, and protect.

Often times in communities, when there are many spiritually gifted individuals, the community becomes fixated on the less important things in the Christian walk. If we aren’t careful, those who aren’t as “spiritually gifted” will begin to feel hurt, condemned, or exiled to the “less important” work of ministry. We must remember that if we don’t have love, we have nothing… (1 Corinthians 13).

If our ability to discern, pray, preach, or prophesy becomes our identity, and we brag about our revelations, where does that leave the people who aren’t as “spiritually gifted”?

Will we define our success as a ministry by how well we work or how well we love each other?

If we preach and thousands are saved but we have hurt our sister or brother by devaluing them, or dismissing them, how does the Lord feel? What’s his heart? Is he not the one that chases the 1, grieving for the loss of the one whom we’ve ignored.

God is love. This is our identity. 

Don’t brag about revelation. Don’t share things casually. Be conscious of the insecure. Be mindful of your revelation and how it may make someone feel.

Don’t assume everyone has the same capacity for revelation simply because they present that way. When someone reacts in a way that shows that they are insecure— meaning they don’t know how to support you and what you’re carrying and what you share, take note, be mindful.

Don’t get offended. Don’t grieve. Simply release. Release. Release.

Release it to the Father. Move on.

Don’t try and build on lies and compete with the insecure.

The Lord said to me after feeling dismissed by some individuals on a ministry team I was a part of:

Nicole you will encounter many women young and old that will overlook you but don’t worry for I see you. I see you beloved. I see how they hurt you. I’m sorry that they ignored you. I see what happened. I am grieved. Forgive them beloved for they know not what they’ve done. Even if you had no “assignment”, you would still be worthy of love. 

Brother and sister in the faith, you are worthy of love and immensely valuable regardless of your “spiritual gifts” or assignment.

I sense the Lord saying over you,

Even if your role is to wash the dishes of the one preaching, I don’t think of you as less valuable.

The man preaching doesn’t get a greater reward than the one doing the dishes or planning out the day. On that final day, Jesus will simply ask if we served Him. If we served Him, in whatever the capacity, we will hear “well done.” If we didn’t, then we will hear:

“His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed?

For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.

And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Matthew 25:26, 29-30 NIV, The Parable of the Bags of Gold

I serve the Lord because I fear Him. I know He is going to take an account of how I used my gifts and my time. I encourage you to do the same. Whether people know your name or not, serve because you love Him.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10 NIV