Unapologetic Nicole

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Measuring True Success as a Prophetic Entrepreneur

True success is defined by my obedience to the Father.

If I obeyed Him, then I have succeeded because I exist to love Him.

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be with you.

John 14:15-17 ESV

If we meet the condition of obedience to our Lord’s commands, we are promised the Holy Spirit who is a “Helper” and the “Spirit of truth” to whom only God can give us access. We are told that the Holy Spirit “dwells” with us and will be with us.

What an amazing promise of access! I have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of me.

The more we obey the Lord, the more we grow sensitive to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. The more sensitive we are the more we are empowered to obey the commandments of the Lord.

This is a beautiful cycle of obedience and listening. The Holy Spirit empowers us to follow Jesus. It is this lifestyle of lovesick obedience to the Father that I desire to mark all of my days.

Whenever I allow my worth to be defined by anything else, I easily find myself in crippling soul angst and anxiety. My soul is not at peace when I stand on lies of performance and control.

The truth is that I cannot control my own life and as a weak imperfect human being I am inevitably going to fail at times. Making mistakes is a part of the journey; it is an integral aspect of growing in wisdom.

The thought in my mind that the Holy Spirit exposed this morning was this, “I hate myself because I’m not as successful as I want to be. I should just quit because I’ll never be successful.”

Thank you Holy Spirit for revealing the fragility of my own heart.

We see in this thought that I have equated my worth with my work. Because I feel that I am not performing well, I now feel I have no value. There are 2 aspects of this lie that I want to address with the truth of the Gospel. I know for many of us entrepreneurs it is very easy to get discouraged.

This journey requires resilience and perspective is everything.

  1. My value is defined by the blood of Jesus, not my performance.

  2. My success is determined by my obedience.

There have been many instances in my entrepreneurial journey where I wanted to go one way and the Holy Spirit led me another. There have been many times, even recently, where He leads me in a direction that I don’t even feel qualified to go in.

When I first began my entrepreneurial journey, I wanted to support young women in their self-love journeys. About 2 years into the journey and the Lord called me to begin to minister to business owners and entrepreneurs, creating programs and coaching resources for them. (talk about a shift…!?). Even more recently, the Lord asked me to primarily promote the Prophetic Entrepreneurs Membership group instead of my other programs.

Why Lord?

Being a prophetic entrepreneur means you must learn to radically trust the Holy Spirit.

Being an entrepreneur is hard enough but add to it one’s desire to radically follow the Holy Spirit no matter where it leads… this can be an emotionally exhausting process… IF your values are not in the right place.

I have found that as a prophetic entrepreneur, in order to fight for my joy and peace on this journey, I have had to allow God to shift my values and my definition of success.

If I had focused on creating a weight loss program, made my YouTube Channel solely about that, and did 1:1 coaching, I am sure that I would be making much more money than I am now. However, that is not what God has called me to do.

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? Mark 8:36

When God called me to entrepreneurship, it wasn’t to make my life easy or comfortable. He called me to entrepreneurship to build my character and to transform me into the image of His Son.

Subsequently, the journey has been hard, it has been scary, I have doubted if I am going the right way many times. I have thought about quitting more than I can count. I have sacrificed time, energy, the pursuit of my own degree, to step out in faith.

I have no guarantee that any of this will work outside of the voice of God. I am holding onto the prophetic words that started me on this journey, trusting that He will bring it into completion.

You know what keeps me going every day?

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be with you.

John 14:15-17 ESV

On this journey, the Holy Spirit has truly become my best friend. I consult him for every decision, every fear, every doubt, every insecurity, every failure, and success. When things don’t work out, I give Him glory as I seek His face for how to grow and evolve. When things do work out, I give Him glory as the One who has released Heaven’s strategy for the establishment of my business.

I put no confidence in the flesh. I boast only in the finished works of Christ.

If you are an entrepreneur who desires to keep going, then I want you to remember:

This will take time.

It may take decades to see the fulfillment of what the Lord promised you, but will you still trust Him? Friends, family, and strangers may judge, criticize, and doubt your journey but will you still trust the One who called you?

The measure of success for the business of the prophetic entrepreneur is whether or not they were obedient to the Lord.

Therefore, I am successful in the Kingdom because I am radically obedient to the voice of God over my life, ministry, and business.

I am terribly weak and imperfect. I stumble in my obedience daily but I look to the One who is perfecting me as the author and finisher of my faith.

I know I need not be afraid because He is with me. His rod and His staff comfort me. When Satan lies to me and tells me that I have failed, I declare that by the blood of Jesus I can stand.

I am not in control of my own life, God is. I am not in control of the expansion of my business or ministry, God is. It is God who exalts and God who brings low. I will not strive in my flesh to make things happen; I will wait on God.

How foolish can you be? After starting your new lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?

Galatians 3:3 NLT

Lord this is my declaration over my life, ministry, and business:

  • I will not finish by the flesh what began in the Spirit.

  • I will continue to wait on you for the pacing, timing, and strategy.

  • When I feel that you are silent, I will not rush ahead of you.

  • I trust that you are the greatest CEO that I could ever serve.

  • As I continue to trust you, I know that won’t be easy but I thank you that you are with me and that truly is more than enough.

  • I will not be afraid because you are with me.

  • I will not fear for you have redeemed me.

  • You have been good to me and you will continue to be good to me.

  • I love you, Lord.

Thank you for the privilege of being your prophetic entrepreneur for such a time as this.