Holy Surrender

I will miss what God has for me because of my own immaturity and inconsistency. The most challenging lie I have wrestled with over the last 2 years is this: I can control my own life and bargain with God concerning the terms and conditions for how I live my life.

The truth is I have no control. Control is only an illusion to the man that lives in folly. True wisdom begins with a reverence for the Lord, recognizing it is only by His loving kindness that I am alive. Why have I disobeyed you again?

What do I so desperately desire to cling to my own life? To save my life only to lose it in the end? Why do I hold on to lies and illusions that I can dictate and navigate my future?

You alone are in control.

I have nothing. I am nothing.

You are everything.

Apart from you I can do nothing.

“You are only as good as our next best YES to Jesus.”

This is a word of encouragement a mentor gave me a couple of months ago that has carried me in this season. It is easy to look at past successes or failures and try to determine my performance today. However, the truth is that today is an entirely new day to choose whom I will serve, to work out my salvation with fear and trembling.

Father, I need your help.

Why am I not focused?

Why am I out of alignment?

Why am I so afraid?

How did I get here?

What are my weights?

How can I let them go?

What mindsets are toxic and keeping my from the promised land of peace, joy, prosperity, and rest in you?

Father, I trust you to lead my heart into all truth as I invite you to search the depths of my soul.

Oh to know you and to be known by you. What an honor and a privilege!

Father, lead me home.

Prophetess Nicole

Prophetess Nicole is a scholar, entrepreneur, author, and leadership coach. Her passion is to raise up prophetic voices in the online space in her Online Ministry School, “Clarity Blueprint.” She believes in the power of the prophetic voice of God to change your life. More than we desire to hear the voice of God, God desires to speak directly to us to be established in His vision for our life.


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