Unapologetic Nicole

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My Identity is Not in My Spiritual Gifts

I am grateful to God for my ability to prophesy. I am grateful to God for this ministry. I am grateful to God for the opportunity to serve at my home church.

When I get up to preach, or I see someone get breakthrough through one of my programs, or when I minister prophetically and someone gets clarity for the next season of their lives, I am constantly mesmerized by the power of God. How does He use such broken, imperfect people to minister supernaturally?

I have learned that this is the great paradox of the faith that lives in no contradiction in the great sovereignty of God: Christ’s power rests in imperfect vessels so that He gets the glory, not I.

Such a beautiful life, such a safety net. I know that I am not, I never will be perfect, but I serve the One who is and the more I surrender, the more I am perfected by Him. Intimacy. That is the goal. That has become the goal of my life and my greatest value: intimacy with the Father. If I do not have intimacy, I have nothing.

Values of the Prophetic Entrepreneur vs. Entrepreneur

  • Intimacy with Jesus vs. Intimacy with others, things, or other ideologies

  • Love for others that flows from our love for God vs. Love for others without a knowledge of God

  • Kingdom vision and mission vs. Worldly vision and mission

  • God’s provision vs. Worldly security

  • God’s direction vs. Worldly direction

As I look to be obedient to the call of God upon my life, I must remember what I value and choose to live in alignment with those values. The hurry of the world constantly can constantly make me feel as if my identity comes and my doing and my gifting.

But how grateful I am to the Father that He reminds me of the eternal truths that constantly breathe life into the dust that I am.

My identity is not in my office, my spiritual gifts, or anything I do for or in the Kingdom. My identity is in the love of my Heavenly Father?

Who am I?

I am a daughter. I am a child.

Yes, I am also a seer prophet, a Princeton student, a sister, a friend, an entrepreneur and so many other things (— and who know what will come in the future).

But my one identity that will never change and never matter no matter what I do or don’t do is my identity as His daughter.

I rest in that and I value that more than the productivity of my business or how fast I am able to figure things out and build.

I’d rather it take me 10 years to build at the pace of the Lord than for me to build something in 1 year without Him that has no eternal weight.

 As a prophetic entrepreneur, I don’t get to set the pace. Despite everything the business coaches tell me out there, I am not the author of my life nor my business. God owns it all. I am a steward. I will always be a steward because I value intimacy with the source of all truth who is truth himself- Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, my Judge, my Counselor, my best friend, and my CEO.

Lord, set the pace, today and forevermore.