The Test of Unconditional Trust: The Sign of True Spiritual Maturity and Deliverance from Fear

What happens when God promises and it doesn’t come to pass?

What happens when you have faith for a move of God, for miraculous favor, and you’re faced with the door of rejection?

A door, you thought the Creator of the Universe would open, and instead it is slammed in your face…

What do you tell all of your friends and family? Those who stood in faith with you. Is God a liar or did you hear wrong? Did you not pray enough, fast enough, contend enough? Am I not enough?

Or maybe—

God is testing your motives. He’s checking your heart. He is inviting you into deeper dependency.

I was believing for a scholarship to graduate school that I had full faith that God was going to provide. It didn’t happen. Instead, an email of rejection. I prayed, I fasted, I received the Word of the Lord, I stood in faith but still I was met with rejection.

This is what the Lord said:

Do you still trust me?

Do you still believe that I will open the door for graduate school?

Do you still believe that where I’ve asked you to spend your time was worth it?

Will you still trust me?

That’s what it comes down to beloved. Either you believe in me or you don’t. Either you follow me or you don’t. It’s that simple. Will this be a stumbling block or will you allow it to propel you into purpose as you believe in the infallibility of My Word?

I will do what I promised. Simply wait.

I will exceed your expectations.

Look at who I am molding building and developing in the process. Look at your faith.

James 1:2-4 TPT says,

My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up in you the power of endurance. And then as your endurance grows even stronger, it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

1 Peter 1:5-9 TPT says,

Through our faith, the mighty power of God constantly guards us until our full salvation is ready to be revealed in the last time. May the thought of this cause you to jump for joy, even though lately you’ve had to put up with the grief of many trials. But these only reveal the sterling core of your faith, which is far more valuable than gold that perishes, for even gold is refined by fire. Your authentic faith will result in even more praise, glory, and honor when Jesus the Anointed One is revealed.

You love him passionately although you have not seen him, but through believing in him you are saturated with an ecstatic joy, indescribably sublime and immersed in glory. For you are reaping the harvest of your faith—the full salvation promised you—your souls’ victory!

Father I thank you for the testing of my faith. I thank you for the opportunity to trust in you once again. I thank you for the reminder that my citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20). My life is not my own. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done. Let my emotions be guided by your thoughts and your voice, always and forevermore.

Your beloved daughter…

Prophetess Nicole

Prophetess Nicole is a scholar, entrepreneur, author, and leadership coach. Her passion is to raise up prophetic voices in the online space in her Online Ministry School, “Clarity Blueprint.” She believes in the power of the prophetic voice of God to change your life. More than we desire to hear the voice of God, God desires to speak directly to us to be established in His vision for our life.


Financial Deliverance form Self (Prophetic Word)


Serve Because You Fear Him