You are Called by God for Such a Time as This (Prophetic Word)

Received: October 22nd, 2021

You are created in the image of God but in order to walk in the fullness of your prophetic destiny there is a process He takes you through…

We do not have to live in fear because he redeems us by the blood and sanctifies for the call.

Often time we are afraid because we assume that God is going to throw us into an environment or a calling that we have not been prepared for. But God is never going to prematurely send us into the mission because he wants to see us victorious.

And so by his grace he trains us prepares us, refines us, and sanctifies for the calling. In order to sanctify us, we must be willing to serve wherever he places us.

He will plant you in a place that looks opposite to the promise in order to test your heart and the faithfulness of your heart to him.

He is looking for those who will be radically And unconditionally faithful to his love and to his voice into his heart.

He is looking for those with a David Heart who will be willing to sit in the sanctuary and confess their weakness. For it is those who learned to delight in their weaknesses that will carry the mantels of this next wave of revival.

It will be a nameless and faceless generation that will carry the mantle, that will carry the strength for what is necessary. It will be the weak and the weak who carry the grace of the ox to plow for this time, for this season of revival.

It will be those who have mourned and felt unqualified that will work confidently in all that God has for them. Not only have we been created but we have been formed (Isaiah 43:1-3). And therefore the Lord says we have no reason to fear,

not just because I have created them and because I know them but because they have said yes to the formation process that has transformed them into the leaders of revival I have called them to be before the foundations of the earth.

Therefore the Lord says,

you have no reason to fear for I am with you. You have no reason to fear for not only do I call you Jacob but I now declare you Israel a holy remnant a holy priesthood to declare my words and my promises, to be a minister of reconciliation and to carry forth a ministry of reconciliation for such a time as this. (2 Corinthians 4-5).

The Lord says there’s no reason for you to fear because you have not skipped the steps.

You have not skipped my processor and because you have endured the formation I can now bless you to be a minister of transformation even unto the nations.

For the Lord says there will be much pressure in this calling, there will be a great heaviness in the calling up but the Lord says,

even while the calling is heavy the yolk will be easy and the burden will be light for you have said yes to the grace for the calling.

So the Lord says

do not fear oh Jacob for I have created you. Do not fear oh Israel for I have formed you. Fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by name I have given you a new name.

For you have wrestled with me and you have found a new identity in me. Behold the old has passed away and the new has come. No longer will you live with the taunting of your past.

For today is a new day and you will look forward to all that I have for you. You will meditate not on what you lost and not on what was in the past but you will learn to meditate on my promises. You will learn to meditate on my word you will learn to intercede, to press into me and to lean on me as your soul emotional provider, I am your financial assistance, and unconditionally present friend.

For in the valley, I am there. On the mountain, I am there. When you are the only one that shows up to the prayer meeting, I am there. When you are the only one who believes in a vision for the business, I am there.

Whether the body of Christ honors you and doesn’t understand or not, you’re still called to revival and renewal in missions for such a time as this.

I am there.

When people doubt you and discounts you because of your age and because of your race and because of your gender I am there.

The Lord says,

do not fear for I am no respecter of persons and because you have been faithful with the little for such a time as this, I am making you a ruler over many.

And man did not qualify the assignment upon your life for I have qualified you. I am sending the benefactors and you will minister to the brokenhearted and the fruit of your ministry will be the evidence of its legitimacy.

You will not need to prove to anyone that you are called. You will not need to show anyone your credentials for the fruit of the ministry is the evidence that I have called you.

You have been appointed you have been anointed, you have been called to minister to prophetic entrepreneurs to raise them up for such a time as this.

I don’t care if you are the only one who believes in the vision, you will move forward you will obey me and I will send the finances. I will send the provision. I will send the ministers.I will send the servants even for the ministry. I will send all those you need for the YouTube channel and for Canva and for Instagram and for the website and for the app.

I am sending. I am sending. I am sending forth a new team member member. I am sending forth leaders for LUNA.

I am sending forth the leaders for Luna. I am sending forth leaders for LUNA.

It is my gift to you for you have been faithful. You have walked with me in the cool of the day and I declare that is all that is required to see the fulfillment of the promise.

You need not strive to make anything happen for I am opening doors of favor.

I am opening unmerited favor and blessing. I declare up on this day an open Heaven upon your life.

I declare upon this day new avenues of financial provision.

I declare upon this day no lack in the name of Jesus.

I declare upon this day no fear in the name of Jesus.

I declare up on this day no doubt in the name of Jesus.

Nicole trust me. It all comes down to trust. Will you trust me or not? Believe me it’s a choice faith is a choice. Love is a choice choose me choose love for such a time as this. 

Prophetess Nicole

Prophetess Nicole is a scholar, entrepreneur, author, and leadership coach. Her passion is to raise up prophetic voices in the online space in her Online Ministry School, “Clarity Blueprint.” She believes in the power of the prophetic voice of God to change your life. More than we desire to hear the voice of God, God desires to speak directly to us to be established in His vision for our life.


It’s Okay to Not Be Okay


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