The Clarity Blueprint for Pioneering Black Female Prophetic Voices Called to Nations

Clarify the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministry and 6-Figure Life Coaching Business that Aligns with Your Prophetic Calling and Confidently Build with Holy Spirit’s Direction Every Step of the Way, Leveraging Social Media for Global Kingdom Impact and Generational Wealth Building

Welcome! I’m Apostle Nicole, the Founder of the Clarity Blueprint.

I help black Christian women, who are established prophetic voices, leverage their professional degrees, career experiences, and ministry expertise to confidently build the impactful online ministry and profitable coaching business that aligns with their prophetic calling for global impact and generational wealth building.

I teach prophets how to package and position themselves in the online space as the leaders God has called them to be. Within a matter of months, I teach them how to go from having no online presence to being an established thought leader in their generation, making consistent 4 and 5-figures months in their coaching business.

I am an Ivy-League Graduate pursuing a career in international development. Having served in ministry for over a decade in my local church, I am established in the office of the prophet.

I have served in online ministry and coaching for over 6 years, starting as a life coach. Then in 2022, I pivoted to online ministry coaching and prophetic business coaching and opened our school for marketplace prophets, Clarity Blueprint, generating upwards of $20,000 each month. I am a "marketplace prophet" being led by the Holy Spirit in ministry both inside and outside of the church, bringing forth His heart, solutions, and innovation.

The Clarity Blueprint is an application-only Online Ministry School and Prophetic Business Coaching Mastermind.

Who Have We Served?

  • Apostle Marlysa Gamblin

    Racial Equity Coach, Author, and Course Designer

    Harvard Kennedy School of Government

  • Prophet Nicole Reynolds,

    Lead Pastor in Ohio Local Church

    Leadership Coach

  • Dr.Yolanda Dawson, Prophet

    Doctorate of Educational Leadership

    Purpose Coach for Professional Women

A Letter from Prophetess Nicole

Dear Future Student,

Your 9-5 is not an excuse to procrastinate building your online ministry and coaching business.

Clarity Blueprint is the lifetime-access Online Ministry School and Prophetic Business Coaching Mastermind in which you will be provided with the proven framework you need to build your impactful online ministry and profitable, scalable coaching business with the Blueprint of Heaven.

We believe that you are not called to be a counterfeit. The average Christian Business Coach is going to give you what worked for them. We are going to partner with Heaven on your behalf to build the spiritual foundation for your online ministry and coaching business. We are going to work with you to make those blueprints practical for your day-to-day life.

We know that you already have so much going on in life and ministry. We are going to hold your hand every step of the way, giving you a clear strategy to build in partnership with the Holy Spirit so that you can take all that you are already doing on a local or region level to the nations.

It is time for you to birth the movement God has placed inside of your for revival and reformation. Partner with us to seek impact over influence and transformation over inspiration. It is time for you to birth ministerial and entrepreneurial solutions. We are your midwives.

We will teach you how to package your experience and expertise into a high-ticket coaching program that people can’t wait to be a part of. It is time for you to position yourself as an expert and lead authority in the online space so that you can build a sustainable movement that becomes a part of your Christ-centered legacy in the earth, the fulfillment of your prophetic mandate.

We are going to take you through our one-of-a-kind teaching on Spirit-led market research.

I am your Online Ministry and Prophetic Business Coach with the capacity to discern your prophetic mantle so nothing is missing as you build. In our community, we will call you to excellence that no one else around you has been able to do up until this point. Get ready to stand in awe as you watch what God births through you in this community of midwives.

You are a forerunner, a pioneer. Let us give you the proven framework to go from unseen and unheard to the thought leader God has called you to be in your generation, generating 4-5 figure months consistently. It’s time to invest to the one and only University for the Marketplace Prophet. It’s time to build as you seek God for innovative solutions as a minister and coach.

Yours in Christ,

Prophetess Nicole 

My Commitment to You:


You will learn how to take what the Lord is placing on your heart and build it into an impactful ministry and profitable coaching business that aligns with your God-given purpose and gifts. We will take you from “idea” to implementation, all while being led by the Holy Spirit to ensure you do it in His way and His timing every step of the way.


Prophetess Nicole provides homework and personalized live check-ins throughout the week to keep you on track to reaching your goals. You can opt-in to have an accountability partner (another student in the group) that will pray with you and hold you accountable to your prophetic goals week to week as well.


Be around like-minded prophetic voices who want the “more” God has for them. This is your family. Because the school is application only, you will be with those who are also taking their calling seriously. They will pray with you, prophesy over you, and practically support you through your journey. Done are your days of building alone.

Our Curriculum

  • In our “Heart Health for Prophets” teachings, you will learn how to grow as a healthy prophet— emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.

    • Getting Rooted

    • Knowing Who You Are (Prophetic Identity)

  • Have clear vision of the ministry and strategy the Holy Spirit wants you to implement for your ministry.

    • Clarifying What You are Called to Build

    • Prophetic Mapping

    • Prophetic Value Proposition

  • Learn how to confidently implement the vision God has given you.

    • Implementing on the Blueprint God Has Given You (Spirit-Led Vision, Goal Setting, Time Management, and Prioritization)

    • Fundamentals of Running a Coaching Business

    • How to Build a Leadership Team for the Ministry

In this Online Ministry School and Prophetic Business Coaching Mastermind you will be equipped with:

  • a certification in “Prophetic Entrepreneurship” for Online Ministry and Coaching

  • how to structure and organize your ministry ideas

  • confidence to know that you can do this

  • the ability to hear God clearly for your life and ministry

  • freedom to walk in your purpose

  • the blueprint to go from vision to implementation for when God says, “build”

  • how to have momentum and consistency in reaching your ministry goals

  • be equipped to pursue financial freedom through entrepreneurship

  • how to strategically, prophetically, and practically pray for your ministry

  • how to overcome spiritual attacks in your life and ministry

  • how to lay a spiritual and biblical foundation for entrepreneurship

  • clarity and confirmation to move forward in your entrepreneurial calling

  • the wisdom and strategy to be obedient to the call and start the ministry God has for you

  • how to balance ministry with the other assignments God has given you


  • We only disclose the price of the program to those who qualify and are admitted to the program. Apply to the program to see if you qualify.

  • Our commitment is that you are able to launch your online ministry and coaching business within 90 Days of starting so you can make $5,000 USD in your first month of launching. However, every student must go at the pace that the Holy Spirit ordains. Students normally take 5-6 months to complete the program and begin their launch.

  • This is a lifetime access program.

  • Yes, you can apply to the program regardless of gender of ethnicity. However, we do address issues that are unique to the experience of black women in the program.