Prophetic Ministry Testimonials

Before my session with Prophetess Nicole I was struggling with direction in my ministry. Wow! Wow! You are truly sent from God and full of so much love and laughter. I felt the power and presence of God during our conversation. After the zoom session I felt encouraged, refreshed and on fire again. She is such a gift from God and I appreciate her stepping out in faith to do ministry. I now have a deeper conviction about the things God has called me to do and I am so thankful for all the confirmations and the words of prophecy I received. Everything she said was on point, I was so overwhelmed by the love of Jesus. I am stepping out in faith to obey God because I was inspired by her. Thank you and God bless you.
— G T, Cameroon
I was struggling with Mental issues, internal issues. Very useful advice, felt less mental turmoil after and much more peace. Accurate words about issues I was facing.
— Anonymous, Jamaica
Before partnering with Prophetess Nicole I was struggling with the next step to take in following God’s plan for my life, and not being able to understand some things that I had experienced and been going through, I needed direction and clarity. It as most hopeful the the way our father used prophetess to bring some insight about what I’d been experiencing in the past, present and some direction and clarity about where I’m going in the future my Lord Jesus. Thank you Nicole for being such a humble vessel unto God.
You are a blessing!! Praises to our lord
— Tracy Rascoe, USA
I was struggling with some shame and guilt. Everything she said was confirmation. This was most helpful and just getting reassurance that God is still in control of my situation.
— Bri Monet
I was struggling with understanding Understanding [God’s] call and ministry. [I received] Confirmation, Revelation, Truth, Guidance, and the Love of the lord.
— Alania Sands, Bahamas
I was experiencing a season of delay, tremendous warfare, and feeling stuck. I was in need of spiritual guidance and clarity regarding specific areas in my life. My experience was amazing and extremely helpful! Nicole is a true prophet and mouthpiece for God! God used her greatly to speak to me and gave me insight and direction through her. I knew this was God speaking because I received so many confirmations during my session! I thank God that he led me to her ministry at a time of need.
— Tanya Royal
In my mind I had something whare i can meet Indian prime minister. It keeps on coming to me. After the session my heart became light. I strongly believe that my Mighty Jesus will help me. The way prophetess nicole prayed really touched my heart. I strongly believe that whatever she prayed it will come to pass I strongly believe.
— Balla Francis
I was struggling with understanding if I’m doing the right things for right now. I’m going through the process of accepting my call as a Prophet. First of all, it was nice just to talk to someone who understands the journey. Secondly, Nicole gave me a word from the Lord which was very encouraging— She helped me to understand that God wants me to play and rest right now. I keep trying to do all of these things thinking I need to “do” and the Lord just wants me to “be” and relax. Thirdly, Nicole confirmed something that I thought the Lord was saying to me through a dream
— Alexis Shy
Maybe, just maybe your words was Gods reminder to me of not delaying it anymore… So thanks Nicole! Continue and trust even more in the Holy Spirit!
— Anonymous
I have been waiting on direction and guidance from the Lord about what He wants me to do next. Thank you, the session with Nicole was very helpful. It has given me so much clarity to draw closer to God and to wait on Him for guidance, knowing that He will come through for me.
— Charmaine C, Bresbin
I was struggling with a lot of uncertainty and lack of direction. I needed something to encourage me to keep going. Nicole said a lot of things to me that I prayed to the Holy Spirit about. I got a sense of restoration and joy. I Loved Nicole’s honesty and transparency. She really uplifted my spirit and I am grateful she is a great steward of her gifts. I pray God continues to give her strength and grace in her ministry Amen.
— Sheila Ezugwu
“I needed confirmation that I was hearing God’s voice, believing that God still saw me and that he hasn’t forgotten about me. This session confirmed a prophetic word that I received from another prophet. It was so… comforting to hear about the amazing thoughts God has of me. Hearing His voice through Prophetess Nicole showed how God can show up in a new way when we least expect it. I’m so thankful that she was patient and obedient enough to relay His words to me. Thank you so much Nicole!
— Tamarra Jean
I was struggling to figure out my direction to go in life. I felt like this was helpful to confirm faith and that I was on the right path and to keep on drawing nearer to God though I may not feel like anything is happening or changing for me.
— Anonymous
I was Struggling with being fearful about the future. In doubt about the promises that God made to me and being impatient in the stagnation phase. It was extremely helpful. I felt a lot lighter during the session. Words of encouragement and wisdom made me realise that I was letting fear take control and that I should draw back to the word of God and be patient because he will deliver every promise he made.
— Daisy Ramushu
I was dealing with so much pressure on my ministry as I was always feeling like I was not doing enough for the Lord. I was constantly feeling as if I was not moving forward in my life. After this session, I have had more clarity on my emotions. This service revealed me that the Lord is training and shaping me for the next season of my life, so I should not worry. May God bless you Prophetess Nicole!
— Laetitia Amedome
I am so grateful. Nicole, gave me so much clarity so I can take the next steps to moving on in my life. It brings me so much joy to hear what God wanted me to know. Nicole is so easy to talk to and so genuine.
— Dionna Dalton
I have been blessed to hear from God through His prophet Nicole. Through her, I received direction, confirmation, encouragement, and just so much love from our Heavenly Father. I loved how she told me things that were just between me and God. I am honored to know that He does indeed delight in the details of His children’s lives.
— Albina Riklon
This service was, immensely helpful! I was having doubts about whether or not I am really hearing God. On top of that, I was having feelings of inadequacy. In speaking with prophetess Nicole, she confirmed that I am hearing the voice of God. She shared her experience with me which made me feel comfortable with the journey I am going on. She prayed and declared Spirit-filled words over me which I will treasure and remember. Having the opportunity to speak to someone who understands the journey I have been going through and to receive encouragement
— Wada Maseko
I wanted to say thank you for the word that was sent and the Lord knew the exact timing it needed to be sent. This has been a tough season despite COVID for me during this time I know the Lord is moving in many ways.
— Anonymous
Thank you so much for this word, Nicole. It was a balm to my soul. I play it as I sit and pray and it’s like I have someone agreeing in prayer with me.
— Anonymous
Nicole’s prophetic insight gave me a fresh perspective on what would be helpful to develop an intimate relationship with Christ.
— Jasmine Avery
I was struggling with uncertainty before partnering with Prophetess Nicole. It was most helpful to be established in God’s words.
— Daniel Yao