What to Do When You Break a Fast Early

Fasting is an integral part of the Christian life. In seasons of consecration, the Holy Spirit will often call us to fast to draw us nearer to Him, His voice, His heart, and what He is doing so we can be prepared for the battles ahead. Fasting strengthens our faith. However, as imperfect human beings in ever of need of more grace from our savior to trust Him more, sometimes we can lose our commitment, or drive or our desire to surrender all to the Father in the place of fasting and prayer.

What do you do when you break a fast early, before the Holy Spirit directed you to or before you had initially set out? I am guilt of breaking a fast early. The Holy Spirit has taught me how to get back up again without dwelling in my shame and “failure” too long.

  1. Repent. Repent simply means to turn. Acknowledge that you have sinned and commit to getting back up again.

  2. Cry out for more grace. It is important to remember that fasting isn’t a legalistic practice that gets a closer to God, it’s a privilege and an opportunity to draw nearer to God as we humble ourselves before Him. Fasting is one of the many biblical ways to humble ourselves before God.

  3. Get to the Root.

    It has often been the case in my walk with the Lord that when I break a fast early, it reveals some serious heart issues.

    I am often wrestling with serious unbelief and a lack of trust in the promises of God. In other cases, my eyes may be overly fixed on the battle ahead and not the Savior Himself who has already won the battle over death and the grave.

    Getting to the root of why you broke the fast and processing that with the Lord is so important so you don’t stumble over the same lie(s) again.

  4. Thank God for Awareness.

    It is often easy for me to spiral into self-condemnation and discouragement, however we must remember that fasting is not perfectionism, performative, trying to earn the favor of God through a clean track record.

    Fasting is an invitation for us to draw near. When Peter denied Christ, Jesus offered Him an opportunity to restore Himself. The same truth lives for us today. When we stumble, we have the blood that covers a multitude of sins. This is not a call to abuse the grace of God, but as we grow in maturity the blood of Jesus covers our stumbling so we may get up again.

    Simply thank God for making you aware of the frailty of your own heart! Allow this stumbling to be a moment where you meditate on where God has brought you and where He is taking you with gratitude.

    Abraham’s illegitimate son with Hagar didn’t disqualify Him from the Promised Land and so you’re stumbling won’t disqualify you either. Get back up again! If God has called you to it then you have it in you to endure. Resolve to try again. You have grace to run your race.

  5. Remember that the Journey isn’t about Arrival.

    It is easy for me to get to a place where I think that I have “mastered” fasting or any of the other spiritual displines because I’ve been doing them for so long. This is deception.

    Spiritual pride is a dangerous place to be. Don’t think that because you were able to do something last time that you’ll easily be able to get through it the next time.

    Ask God to walk through the journey with you and remind yourself that you will never “arrive” at a place of perfection. Daily you need His grace.

Fasting is a great opportunity to draw near to God and to conquer our fears. When I am afraid, I am vulnerable to sinning against the commandments of God. I am grateful for every fast for it has revealed the contents of my heart, however ugly before the Father, and He strengthens me again as I humble myself before Him.

Don’t allow pride to keep you from trying again. Keep going, beloved. For prayer and fasting is powerful. Keep going. You’re prays make a difference. Appropriate the victory of Jesus Christ. Draw near. Return to first-love. Sit at His feet. It is time for you to return to the heart of Mary.

Prophetess Nicole

Prophetess Nicole is a scholar, entrepreneur, author, and leadership coach. Her passion is to raise up prophetic voices in the online space in her Online Ministry School, “Clarity Blueprint.” She believes in the power of the prophetic voice of God to change your life. More than we desire to hear the voice of God, God desires to speak directly to us to be established in His vision for our life.


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