A collective of writings at the intersection of authentic spirituality and entrepreneurial leadership.

Apostle Nicole Apostle Nicole

Why Manifesting is a Sin in Business: The Demonic and Unbiblical Law of Attraction

As a Christian entrepreneur, you may wonder if manifesting is a sin in business. Many believe in the law of attraction, which teaches that if you focus on what you want with enough intensity, you will eventually manifest it into your life. This belief is based on the false idea that we create our own reality. As Christians, we know that this is not true. God alone creates our reality, and we must obey His laws if we want to see success in our lives. This blog post will explore the demonic and unbiblical nature of manifesting and why Christians should avoid it in business.

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Nicole’s (or unapologetic Nicole’s) ministry has allowed me to see my past mistakes and pain not as a burden I need to lay down but as a windom into who I am. Her ministry has helped me choose to unbox my gifts and my flaws instead of repressing both. Her ministry has been freedom bringing
— Claudia, 20