Why Manifesting is a Sin in Business: The Demonic and Unbiblical Law of Attraction

As a Christian entrepreneur, you may wonder if manifesting is a sin in business. Many believe in the law of attraction, which teaches that if you focus on what you want with enough intensity, you will eventually manifest it into your life. This belief is based on the false idea that we create our own reality. As Christians, we know that this is not true. God alone creates our reality, and we must obey His laws if we want to see success in our lives. This blog post will explore the demonic and unbiblical nature of manifesting and why Christians should avoid it in business.

Manifesting is a form of witchcraft. It is based on the belief that we can control our reality with our thoughts and emotions. This is a lie that the enemy has promoted to keep us from trusting God. The Bible tells us that we are to fix our eyes on Jesus, not on our circumstances (Hebrews 12:12-13). When we focus on manifesting our desires, we put ourselves in the driver's seat instead of God. This is dangerous and will lead to disappointment and frustration.

The law of attraction also teaches us to visualize what we want to manifest. This is another form of witchcraft known as visualization or creative visualization. It is based on the false belief that we can create our reality with our thoughts. The Bible tells us that we are to fix our thoughts on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 12:12). When we focus on visualizing our desires, we are setting our minds on things that are not from God. This will lead us astray and into deception.

Manifesting is a dangerous practice that can open the door to demonic influence in our lives. It is based on false beliefs and teachings contrary to God's Word. As Christians, we should avoid manifesting and instead focus on fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can give us true success in life.

If you follow a "Christian" or "Faith-Based" business coach that says manifesting doesn't go against Christianity, you should run away as fast as possible. False doctrine is not new to the Church. In the book of Revelation, the Church in Ephesus had to confront the Nicolaitans' false teaching that all beliefs were a way to God. They argued and practiced that pagan traditions could work with the gospel, leading many Christians astray. The Bible is clear that we are to have nothing to do with false doctrine (Revelation 18:21-24). We are to guard our hearts and minds against it (Proverbs 23:23; Philippians 12:15). Jesus said to the Church in Ephesus concerning this false doctrine, " But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate." (Revelation 13:15). Jesus hates false doctrine. We should too.

Manifesting is a sin in business because it is based on the demonic and unbiblical law of attraction. As Christians, we should avoid manifesting and instead focus on fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can give us true success in life.

Manifesting is a sin in business because it is a form of witchcraft. It is based on the false belief that we can control our reality with our thoughts and emotions.

If you have been involved in manifesting, I encourage you to repent and turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness. He is waiting with open arms to welcome you back into His fold. Manifesting is a sin in business, but forgiveness and redemption are available for those seeking it. Thanks for reading! I hope this blog post has been helpful in understanding the dangers of manifesting. God bless!

If you are looking for spiritual direction in business, read my blog post on "How to Find a Spiritual Advisor," someone who is Christian, operates in the prophetic, and has an anointing and impartation for business. This will accelerate your business clarity and lead to good success!


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